
Oddball Zoe

You're standing at a crossroads, torn between three paths. One leads north into a forest, and is quickly consumed by the trees. Another ventures east up a hill, and the path seems to disappear into the sky. The last heads west toward the sea, and ends at a small boat resting by the shore. Your frustration grows as you repeatedly consider each possibility, but you can't bring yourself to choose between them. There are no signs to guide you, and your eyes stray south. You momentarily wish that you could return to the security of the past, but then you clench your jaw and determinedly turn your back on it. You must continue on, come what may.

A glint from the ground catches your eye, and you pick up a small object from the middle of the fork. As you brush off the dirt, you realize that it's a compass. The needle spins wildly, though, causing you to think that it's broken. You flip it over and notice a short inscription on the back. You squint to read: "Find your fire first."


1. Where you stand
2. The compass that you hold
3. The path to your past
4. What keeps you from turning back
5. The destination of the Disks' path
6. The obstacle on the Disks' path
7. The destination of the Cups' path
8. The obstacle on the Cups' path
9. The destination of the Swords' path
10. The obstacle on the Swords' path

The compass is a reflection of your primary motivation or desire, which may help you to figure out which path offers the most fulfillment. For each path, you'll want to consider where it leads and what you'll need to overcome in order to reach that destination. It's okay if you get a Cups card on the Swords path (or any other combination). Taking the path of reason now doesn't mean that you won't soon become immersed in an emotional situation; you may discover that a lake lies beyond the hill.

As some paths would only lead you astray, you may want to adapt the spread to the decision that you must make. If accepting a great job in another city would require you to leave your lover, you might just use the Disks' and Cups' paths. If you're in love with someone who you think may be wrong for you, you're facing a choice between your heart (Cups) and your head (Swords). If you need to decide between a job that would be intellectually stimulating and one with a better salary, you may want to illuminate the Swords' and the Disks' paths. Those are just some quick examples, but I hope that they're sufficient. For a more general reading, you should also be able to use the spread to get a sense of what opportunities are available to you. The catch is that you would need to determine what action would be required to put you on that path.

Best of luck on your journey! :)