Swedish Witch / Jolanda Tarot - 6 of Swords


6S in the Jolanda deck is called Science (Vetenskap) after the Thoth 6S. In RWS, this card depicts travel over water, usually indicating journeys or moving through or out of troubled waters, etc. In this deck, there are no boats, but there's an element of travel--a naked witch wearing nothing but a hat flying by on her broomstick! In the background are 6 swords with butterflies at the hilt. The butterflies' wings have spots that resemble eyes, giving them unique expressions. Some look almost sinister, one looks innocent, another lazy or tired, etc .

So I was thinking about the card and about the key word "science" and it occurred to me that magic, witchcraft, the occult, are a type of science. They're not *respected* science, perhaps, but some traditions are very heavy on the correspondences and apply almost a scientific-level reasoning. Also, the witch on the card is flying to the left, or backwards, so perhaps she's flying in the face of "science"? Science takes itself so seriously, doesn't it? Lately I've been reading "The Sense of Being Stared At," recommended by an AT member, and it's amazing to me how much bias the author has uncovered in "scientific" studies that are supposed to have debunked various theories about the expansive power of the mind.

Any thoughts?


Here's a picture of the card.


  • 2016-08-01 20.53.20.jpg
    2016-08-01 20.53.20.jpg
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"The Christian religion sees the butterfly as a symbol of resurrection. Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life." (Gardens with wings). In this sense the butterflies could predict a more peaceful situation, change, hope for the better, better times ahead...

"The broom stick was an important fixture in ancient homes through out Europe. Most homes were made of wood, straw and dirt floors. The only way to keep a home clean was to sweep out the old.
Early Celtic pagans associated the broom with Faeries, possibly because of it's relation to the wood and a common belief in forest sprites. Some stories tell of a Witch entering a forest and asking the Faeries to lead her way to the perfect tree where she can collect a staff for a broom. The idea is to enlist the help of the magikal folk and ensure the enchantment of the broom once it has been fashioned.

The Witch's broom is one of the few tools that is seen as a balance of Divine forces. It is both part of masculine energies (the phallic handle) and female energies (the bristles). Because of this, the broom was and still is commonly used in Handfasting rituals (marriage ceremonies). It is also used as a gate or door before a ritual space. A witch would draw a magikal circle, enter the circle and then place the broom over the doorway to keep out unwanted energies or people as an example.
This early association of broom to tree also associates it with the element of air and therefore has power over spirits. Thus it's common use as a tool for flying."(Pagan's Path)

Luna's Crone

bump for card info

Luna's Crone

i still don't get the significance of her being naked tho. Its gets pretty cold in Sweden, so what was the artist thinking. and from my older swedish relatives from when i was really little that were not crazy about witches of which some of them must have seen me as such. Luckily i didn't see them much.