The Hanged Man-ALL tied up?


I also see this card as a message to take the time to recognize the situation that you are in, relax and let go, and perhaps try to view things from a new perspective.


Don't know where to post this so I thought I would try here since it is about The Hanged Man....In a reading I just noticed that The Hanged man and the Seven of Cups (reversed) look very close in positioning of the body..left legs are straight, right legs bent behind the left. The reading I was doing this really stood out.....Seven of Cups in the Past position and the Hanged Man in the Hopes, fears concern position...Has anyone else noticed this?? If this needs to be moved please do, I had no idea where to this deck :)


The apples in the tree. Does that have to do with the tree of knowledge? Can he use them to eat after all that time? Or is it part of the harvest scene? It's really hard to wait to harvest.

In Druidic lore, apples are linked to Avalon, the Isle of Apples, as a place of repose and healing. Avalon lies between the worlds and can only be found by those who have need of it. Likewise, the Hanged Man is suspended between the realms of sky and earth until he has gained the wisdom he seeks.