5 of wands reversed as feelings for someone?


When using Rider Waite, the upright card means a healthy competition, engaging in a battle to stand out.

But reversed, in a relationship context, when the cards around it are positive, would that mean that X feels that:

- strife has ended with Y
- that Y was involved in a pointless or unhealthy competition?

How would you guys see this card reversed as (romantic) feelings?


Upright, It's not my fav card in a romantic context (if one is hoping for exclusivity) but reversed it could be seen as "there is no competition for their affections"- only the one person standing type of thing. With other cards pointing to this, then that might be a viable interpretation.
Bear in mind the question asked because it might mean that there is no competition because the person in question is off the market (otherwise involved) or not interested in dating for whatever reason so they are not developing feelings for anyone. But since this a "feelings" position, I might be more inclined to go with the first one if surrounding cards support this.


Just to add

I rarely see the five of wands upright as any sort of serious, harrowing competition. It's more, everyone throws their hat in the ring - sort of like here where everyone posts their interpretations and the OP says "ok this one makes sense, not that one so much" etc..
Everyone wins because everyone learns etc.. That is how I see this 5 upright, so reversed for feelings, in the context of some sort of strife, that could put a negative spin on it. Maybe the person feels annoyed with what they see as constant pointless banter with the other person and this is becoming an issue that could grow and cause a serious problem.


Upright, It's not my fav card in a romantic context (if one is hoping for exclusivity) but reversed it could be seen as "there is no competition for their affections"- only the one person standing type of thing. With other cards pointing to this, then that might be a viable interpretation.
Bear in mind the question asked because it might mean that there is no competition because the person in question is off the market (otherwise involved) or not interested in dating for whatever reason so they are not developing feelings for anyone. But since this a "feelings" position, I might be more inclined to go with the first one if surrounding cards support this.

So you'd lean towards the first interpretation: absence of competition (for whatever reason)...


Can there be any more meanings to a reversed 5 of wands in the context of a question of someone's feelings for another? I have gone through threads on the Forum and elsewhere and have found that the reversed 5 of wands can indicate:

- End of conflict, Cooperation, Compromise, Common Ground, Solutions, Teamwork, Order
- Fear of Confrontation or Controversy, Shyness, Feeling Intimidated...

- Looking for a Fight, Hot-Headed

But as feelings of X towards Y?


Hi, I would indeed lean toward the first meaning especially if there is already a relationship between the two people but I re-read your original post and saw there might have been an argument or a series of such. If you were asking in the context of that, it might change the interpretation a bit.
I got the 5 of wands reversed one time for a first date that I was going on and two dates later the guy asked me to move in with him so...that was nice. Clearly, I had no competition for his affections :)
I'd be interested to hear what other people have to say too because you do see the 5 of wands upright and reversed as meaning serious competition in some people's view but I've never seen it as such. Not ever.