Goal achievement spread


I created this spread for a situation in which there's a goal in mind and you want to know obstacles to achieving it. I created this specifically for help with a weight loss goal, but I'm sure it can work for any goal you have.


1. Feasibility of goal (Is it realistic, should it be modified?)
2. What are you doing to help advance towards your goal?
3. What is hindering you from advancing to your goal?
4. What is your biggest obstacle along the way?
5. What can you look to for inspiration or motivation along the way?
6. Outcome


Wisp Wings

destinyawaitsme said:
I created this spread for a situation in which there's a goal in mind and you want to know obstacles to achieving it. I created this specifically for help with a weight loss goal, but I'm sure it can work for any goal you have.


1. Feasibility of goal (Is it realistic, should it be modified?)
2. What are you doing to help advance towards your goal?
3. What is hindering you from advancing to your goal?
4. What is your biggest obstacle along the way?
5. What can you look to for inspiration or motivation along the way?
6. Outcome

Hi Destiny, I actually knew a girl named Destiny once. :)

I like your spread, but immediately thought if I was throwing this I would change the layout as shown below. Before continuing on, I do have to say you've got a great spread here!

The reasoning I have for changing the layout is this:

Position 3, the hindering, this is things you have done up to this point that has stood in your way. Things you have done regarding this in the past. Traditionally in many spread the past is on the left, with right as future. Like a line as in Math/History, a Time Line. So, of course, for me I would put 2 on the right, with 3 on the left. We read from left to right too in sentences. Then Six as your outcome I would even move it more right and still in the upper-most postion where you have it. Why? It is reaching high for the goal, forward in motion and in time in reaching your dream for achieving the endeavor.

Positions 1 and 4 are perfect for me! I see 1 as the base, the absolute having to know and 4 as what core issue is blocking this moviation to meet the desired outcome.


I tend to think of this layout as a plant leaning in pulling toward the light to gain its growth. (Example -- Sunflower) We need this same strength of straining toward in meeting our goals. Sunflower isn't a bad focal point for visioning either....finding your place in the sun! The Sun card is most always seen as positive.

Wisp Wings

One other point, I thought you did so very well on, is the order that you address the meanings/questions asked. I love that you put question 2 out there is be regarded as 2, as it helps to have a little pat on the back of the good that you are doing. Especially before having to face the negative aspects of what we need to know that is dealt with in positions 3 and 4. Five (numerologicaly = change, adjustment, energy, restlessness) brings back the postive in this case with inspiration and motivations! It can be a very driving force. Very good!


I like a lot this spread. I'm going to try it now!


Exactly what I was looking for!

Thank you! I have been trying to figure out how to create a goal-orientated spread, and this fits the bill perfectly!

I'm gonna try it out later today, thank you!