21 Ways To Read A Tarot Card -- step FOURTEEN


Dave offers his views and efforts for step 14.

Step 14:
List similarities for the chosen card and two other cards.
Alternatively, use any cards in a three card spread.

Since I had come against the proverbial wall the other day in terms of creativity, tarot, astrology and just feeling like a capable human, I’ve decided to throw a three card spread in place of using my chosen card. I’ll combine this into a mini-reading as well as trying to address Step 14. For those who offered kind thoughts and supportive energy, thank you.

I’m using the Fey Tarot. I do not use reversals with this deck, as a rule.
Card One; What has been frustrating me? Five of Pentacles.
Card Two; What is the best path forward and/or resource to use? King of Wands.
Card Three; What can I learn from this experience? Ten of Chalices.

Fey Five of Pentacles has a large dark creature outside of a window, looking inward. Two Fey sit on couches before a single flaming pentacle, a tea pot and cups sit before them. A warm glow fills the room. This card notes both the poverty or unhappiness outside contrasted with the warmth and comfort within. The window can be used for viewing either inward or outward. My own perceptions or mood might be the problem.

Fey King of Wands has a young Fey with large crown and green clothing sitting upon pillows that rest upon a tree branch. The branches around him have lighted candles mounted upon them. A large color-swirled globe or ball is in his lap. He looks to his right. The abundant light of the candles and his gaze show that he is observant. He holds a variety of colors (emotions) in his lap. I should sit quietly and observe things around me to see where life is going.

Fey Ten of Chalices shows two Fey of differing appearance sitting within a large chalice, each holding one end of a rainbow. Jewels and ornaments adorn the chalice which sits upon a watery surface, ripples spreading out. This card suggests that life has to be shared and joy found in sharing. Sharing brings balance, these influences spread outward. I should seek to be involved with others when problems just don’t work out right.

A nice set of cards and quite meaningful. I had not been able to work upon my book to get it ready for the publisher; that was frustrating. The youngest boy was ignoring his schoolwork, backing out of some commitments he had made, was talking with his new girlfriend late at night on his cell phone (we caught him), I was having issues with Robot programming for my students. The wife was on edge (this is an extremely polite and watered down statement that doesn’t hint at the true nature of her mood) and the new car had a scratch. Since I’m generally pretty calm and cool, letting this collection of life’s wrinkles affect me was a strange experience. When all of this flows I choose to act as if I don’t have a clue. But in this case, I tried to let things pass. When they didn’t I shared each of these issues with someone else and got some great feedback. Now, am I living my cards or are the cards affirming life?

** Each card has a lot of light and warmth.
** Each card shows a contrast between light and darkness.
** Each card has a focal object that is gold in color.
** All of the Fey are seated.
** All cards have significant round objects within them.

** One card has no flames.
** One card has only one person shown.
** Two cards have the figures sitting up high, not on the ground or near floor level.
** Each card belongs to a different suit.

All three cards work well together. Wands and Pentacles can be supportive of business activities and any structured working-together arrangement. Wands and Cups combine to often assure happiness and cooperation. Cups and Pentacles can often support agreement and a comfort level between them.

Even though I have been studying and practicing Astrology for over 35 years, I do not mix Astrology and Tarot together. I’ve found all of the systems relating the two to be highly unsatisfactory to my understanding and use of both systems.

So, I now feel comfortable. I’ve spent the whole day outside in the mild sunshine with the wind blowing, painting my railings and deck, and also played with the dog. Again, thanks to all of have been so supportive. And, aren’t we all happy to see so many new participants joining our study group? This is just so great. Dave


glad things are going well for you Dave and it is cool you had someone to share with .

I like your comparrasions shhort sweet and straight to the point.

I think there is some thing in the numbers as well

5*2 is 10

10 is the last number king is the last suit 5 i am sure fits in ther i am not sure where though


Dave glad to see you back on your feet. Sounds like you have had your hands full (major understatement) from EVERY direction of life this week ... the 5 of pentacles was certainly visible from what you shared. Glad to see you rose to the occassion (King of Wands) and have now gotten things back on track and are ready to keep going despite how things might have changed or been influenced (10 of Cups).

I admire easy going, I strive to be easy going, but that Leo moon of mine gets all intertwines with those fishies (Pisces sun) and well you know the rest .... never mind that there is NO AIR in my birthchart *LOL*.

Since we are talking themes and dignities in this Step, and the elements are a part of it, I thought it was very interesting that the King of Wands (fire)was what would move you forward when it is "unfriendly" with you 5 of pentacles (earth), and ends up giving you an outcome of water (10 of cups) which is completly antagonistic to the fire element of your solution card. Do you have any thoughts on this???

This may be totally not worth even looking at or discussing but thought it might be thought proviking and takes us a little more into the Step ... I love elemental correspondeces you see ....


For Jewel

I had noted, "Wands and Pentacles can be supportive of business activities and any structured working-together arrangement." I don't readily subscribe to the application of Fire and Earth not mixing. In Astrology, there are many planetary combinations that don't "mix" well, yet they have to work together when involved in certain aspect combinations. So, I carry that approach into my cards, feeling that it is not so much as to whether they are comfortable or uncomfortable with each other but as to how can they work together -- or how can they not work together.



For Dave

I only brought it up based on information contained in Step 14. To be honest I agree that those associations of "friendly", "unfriendly", etc. are too limiting and there are design elements in the cards themselves that can change or build on elemental relationships (as noted in my commentary to Squeakmo9).

I was just trying to see if what Mary says in Step 14 about the elemental relationships applies or not and see what your perspective was. I actually find those associations as listed in the book too rigid.

As for astrology ... All I know is my sun and moon sign, and that I have no air in my chart ... so I was not even going there *LOL*. That is your field of expertise.


To some small degree

To some small degree I may have some fuzzyness on this issue as I also have and use my Robin Wood and Witches Tarot decks. Although Robin Wood notes a preference for Swords=Fire and Wands=Air, her book readings for each card are very much, IMO, alike the Waite-Smith deck readings. Now, in the Witches Tarot the switch of affinities is very definite. And, when I read with that deck I make the adjustments that the deck requires. I find that the Witches Tarot reads well for me and I don't have any problem switching.

I haven't started using the Tree of Life symbology in that deck yet. Anyways, we all have our own peculiar way of making and using associations. Does anyone else in the Study Group "switch hit" when using decks that reverse the Swords and Wands affinities? Dave


dadsnook2000 said:
Does anyone else in the Study Group "switch hit" when using decks that reverse the Swords and Wands affinities? Dave
Right now I am exploring the Celtic Dragon as part of my work in the 78 Weeks Study Group, and it also has swords as fire and wands as air. The imagery from what I see looks RWS based but I think it will be interesting to apply the "mental" perspective to the wands and add more "action" to the swords. But I have not tried anything with it yet.


I think my brain would fry if I tried to switch hit . I depend on the elaments to give me the gist of a reading so I have an idea where it is going.

I like how Dave said we all have our own little ways of doing thisng , I would be crippled if I had to just do things one way.


Hi, all! Time for Step 14--Dignities and Theme

Cards from Step 12: Princess of Swords; 4 Wands; Tower

Similarities in all three: Show girls; outdoors

Similarities of Princess of Swords and Tower: Girls hold swords and are wearing armor; they have serious expressions; lightning; cold (Princess has ice-encased sword, Tower has snow)

Differences: court, pip, major!; 3 different seasons; predominant colors are blue, pink, yellow; Princess has ice and Tower has fire; Princess only one with an animal

The serious, "pointy" cards are one either side of the smiling, "swirly" card. (Even though the 4 wands are kind of pointy, too!) This suggests that there is a lot of "stuff," possibly difficult stuff, to do and deal with before I can resolve the issue (the position for 4 Wands in the Step 12 spread.)

All are masculine elements--4 Wands and Tower are fire; Princess of Swords is air. This could mean that this is not an issue of sitting back and waiting for something to show itself. Instead I need to take action and initiative. (Oh, wow. When I wrote this up in my notebook, I didn't even think of Princess = earth. So, one feminine element, but no water at all.) This would mean that not only does action need to be taken, it needs to be taken in concrete fashion. In other words, don't decide or make a resolution, instead buy or sell something or walk to the place I need to go! And not in an emotional way!

The only thing I could come up with is 4 (Wands) squared is 16 (Tower). I don't know what that would mean, though.

The cards are very appropriate for their positions.
The position for Princess of Swords is "what I bring to the issue," but I usually just call it "me in relation to this issue," so a court/person card is very comfortable here. It basically means, "I'm acting like a total Princess of Swords here!"
The position for the Tower is "advice," very appropriate for a major. This is advice from a higher, spiritual plane, so I better listen to it!

Astrology (Golden Dawn-style!):
Princess of Swords - Winter (Aquarius)
4 Wands - Venus in Aries
Tower - Mars
I have formerly described myself as the village idiot of astrology. I'm trying to learn, really, but . . .
The only thing I can see is that the advice of Mars follows easily on from the Aries issue. And that the Venus carries out the (symbolic, visual) feminine theme of the 4 Wands.

Originally, I was struck with the predominance of masculinity in this step as opposed to the femininity of the previous step, but as I have written this up today, I have found the hiding feminine--PRINCESS and Venus, and the fact that all the main characters are girls! So maybe it's more balanced than I thought.

This was my kind of step--very analytical and not too self-reflective. But I'm trying to learn that, too! And I am, with your help. Thanks!


  • Manga Princess Swords.pdf
    185.5 KB · Views: 828
  • Manga 4 Wands.pdf
    190.9 KB · Views: 819
  • Manga Tower.pdf
    185.3 KB · Views: 833


coyoteblack said:
I think my brain would fry if I tried to switch hit. I depend on the elements to give me the gist of a reading so I have an idea where it is going.

I'm with you, there. I think the Nigel Jackson is really great, except swords are fire and wands are air. I think I'll start using it more. What's that sizzling sound?!

And I think the Crystal is one of the most beautiful decks in existance, bar none, but cups are air and swords are water. Could it be my ONE deck? Argghh! Flames are shooting from my ears!!!!

Maybe some day, when our brains cool, we can join Dave in his fuzzy (elemental) logic!