Sabian Symbol Study Group: Aries Degree 3 - #3


:) Retracing my steps back from Aries 23 and reading these last few! This 3 connects so well to the 3 there.Wonderful insights, tink & huredriel
first posted by huredriel
Hmmm karmic imprint perhaps ..... on the soul?
first posted by tink27
What is it that constantly drives us to do something to create something, to be something…’s a desire, a longing in our soul.
Yes!! :) To fulfil our Soul Purpose. Before we can truly do that we have to burst the bubbles or transmute those limitations.
It is the process of life/death/rebirth...........a process attainable within a lifetime.

Hasn't religion taken that away from us? Kept us captive in the first of the Led us to believe that the rebirth only comes after the physical death?

A reminder now to remember to keep returning to previous we progress they constantly evolve and reveal more.
I made my image before I even began to post in the was purely for me. A strange image that really drew just a few short weeks it's meaning has gained a whole new perspective.
Looking at it today I see the Cailleach of Aries 23.........the transition from Winter/Spring.



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mooncat2 said:
Hasn't religion taken that away from us? Kept us captive in the first of the Led us to believe that the rebirth only comes after the physical death?

Oh mooncat2, you and I could talk about this for hours.

We have all died many times, just as we have all been born many times and we shall die again and again until we have mastered the spiritualization of matter. We need to move beyond the his-story of religions and reclaim the power that belongs to us.

mooncat2 said:
made my image before I even began to post in the was purely for me. A strange image that really drew just a few short weeks it's meaning has gained a whole new perspective.
Looking at it today I see the Cailleach of Aries 23.........the transition from Winter/Spring.

There is so much to see in this picture.......

When we begin our journey within we discover that we are a combination of several different archetypal energies that exist within the basement of our souls.

When we 'truly' look inside we will see a play of archetypes playing opposite values.....such as sinners and saints, the divine and the wicked witch, the sacred and the profane, the dark night of the soul, forbidden lust and the ecstasy of unconditional love.

All these opposite values co-exist together and as we begin travelling through the secret passages of our life, we will go through dark alleys and ghost filled attics.

I copied what I wrote in Gemini 7 AN OLD-FASHIONED WELL WITH THE PUREST OF COLDEST OF WATERS. So you can see mooncat2, the well continues through the symbols.

This is from my Reiki I manuscript.

Reiki I will create subtle yet profound changes in your unconscious. Your unconscious mind will propel you to look at your habits, beliefs, fears, expectations, and behaviour patterns and begin consciously reshaping your life from the inside out. We each work toward it individually. Visualize if you can a well connected to an underground stream. We are each engaged in entering that well which is the well of our life, and in reaching as deeply into its sources as we can. We each go down individually into the well of our own life which is separate and unique from every other. Each of us must therefore go down our own well, and not the well of someone else’s life. We find, however that when, as individuals we have gone very far down into the well of our life, we come to an underground stream that is the source of all the wells. So, though we may think that the wells of our personal existence are separate from every other, there are in fact no separations here. There are no walls or dividers in the underground stream. We are connected here in the unitary continuum of “being”. A continuum of life energy, wisdom, universal truth and power. Those waters have the effect of renewing our energies and giving us access to abundant resources. We draw upon these deep waters and carry them back with us to the surface, where quench our thirst as we incorporate our new found connections consciously into our lives. In the course of this quest, the inner person emerges and grows like a seed in ‘dry’ soil waiting to be watered. It is this inner person that is the essence and the meaning of life. It is the true you that is germinating to become the beautiful flower kept in the seed.

mooncat2 said:
Yes!! To fulfil our Soul Purpose. Before we can truly do that we have to burst the bubbles or transmute those limitations.

I just love those bubbles!!!

tink :love:


Oh mooncat2, you and I could talk about this for hours.
Indeed we could...........and probably will before this journey ends. I can see it taking a very long time. :D

Thank you for the Reiki piece........that is lovely and I've copied it out. It goes very well :D with my image.



mooncat2 said:
Indeed we could...........and probably will before this journey ends. I can see it taking a very long time. :D

Thank you for the Reiki piece........that is lovely and I've copied it out. It goes very well :D with my image.


Oh gosh! I wrote this back in 1998!! Do me a favor and fix those run on sentences!! :p

tink :love:


That picture still freaks me out a bit Mooncat ....... and draws me at the same time ;) ...... but now it's the green background that calls ...... and I got a thought in my head of being *out there in the ether* ....... does that make sense to anyone?


huredriel said:
That picture still freaks me out a bit Mooncat ....... and draws me at the same time ;) ...... but now it's the green background that calls ...... and I got a thought in my head of being *out there in the ether* ....... does that make sense to anyone?

Hi huredriel,

Hmm, this is the best way I can think of answering this.

ether is a dimension which is 'orthogonal' to that of time, or is
'a kind of shadow substance', wherein patterns of probability affect material

I didn't write this and not sure who was in my notes...if I find out who, I'll post it later.

So-o-o, Ether could very well be another name for magic! This is a 3 number....magic....and magic does affect our external world. When we direct out emotional energy, 'cast a spell' it initiates and resonates through the ethers, creating around and within changes in our lives.

It's not that you're out are in fact very grounded.....and through that groundedness have accessed and attracted other dimensions that are beyond the realm of our physical world.

tink :love:


Hmm the swirls and sands of time .......... the energy that surrounds us that we can't see ........ I love that bit about shadow substance ........ not only does it make me think about what we can't see around us ........ but also all those shadows within us ....... the karmic baggage that we drag along ...... that imprint again ;)

And looking at the picture again ...... I'm sure I read this somewhere, but can't remember where ........

*Within the nothingness there is the knowingness*

It just feels as if this is outside *of time* ....... a concoction of molten silver ....... just before the imprint is going to be set.