Bonding with your cards?


Hello All!

I have owned a Tarot deck (Guilded Tarot) for about 3 years now - but I have just recently really been using them and reading regularly. In previous years they were only consulted occasionally - new years and birthdays etc. but this year I'm really trying to focus on my spirituality and have been studying regularly.

I'd like to know if you have any favorite activities you use to bond with your cards. Naturally, doing spreads is one of those things, but what about no-pressure "just hanging out" activities? I'm really just trying to be more in tune with them :)

Thanks in advance!


I'm fairly new too, But what I did with my deck ( I only have the Thoth deck), and am planning to do with new decks I buy is to ask my deck questions.
That could be like "What is your name?" Or "What do you specialize in?"
I can't remember where I Found it, But I will see, if I can find it for you:). I really think it helps:)!


Having a special little box where you keep your cards is a big deal. So is actively focusing your appreciation when you take them out of the box or put them back in.


There have been several discussions of Tarot Solitaire. Here is one.


I play solitaire.

I use them to read for ME and keep them away from other people in all ways. And even when reading for myself, I don't ask them questions that involve other individuals. I will ask general things about interaction with types of people. but never focus on an individual.

I use them for silent prayers, by leaving a card near a lit candle.

I carry them around with me, and leave them by my bed when I sleep.

I journal about them in a pretty journal that is a similar color/style. Again no mention of other people.


I keep mine close and find myself shuffling them while I am doing other things. I look at them while I talk on the phone and while Ii do other activities that don't require my full concentration. They just seem to always be in my hands.


Thank you so much guys for all of the wonderful suggestions!