Death keeps stalking me?


Hello everyone! I have heard that when certain tarot cards pop up, it's a lesson that you really need to learn or something you need to come to terms with/pay attention to.

I see Death as a sort of change or transformation that you need to go through in order to grow. It could be the end of something making room for a beginning.

I have 3 different tarot decks (Deviant Moon, Shadowscapes, and a tarot/oracle hybrid called Psychic Tarot Oracle). Over the past two days, Death has jumped out of the Deviant Moon deck while I was shuffling, it came up in an annual reading I did using my Psychic Tarot Oracle, and it came up today in a general daily reading in my Shadowscapes deck.

In the annual spread for this year, I used two cards for each month and June had Death and then The Sun. I see The Sun as a new, happy beginning, since it came after Death. The sun is rising after the night has ended.

In my general daily 2-card reading today with the Shadowscapes deck, Strength and then Death came up. I see Strength as knowing or having to realize that you have the ability to handle whatever responsibilities that need to get done. And maybe handling those responsibilities will mark the end of something.

Now, my question is: what do you do when you don't know WHY a particular card (in this case Death) is popping up? I know I have been going through a change and I have acknowledged that but I don't understand why Death is popping up EVERYWHERE now because this is a change that has been going on for about a month, ever since I acknowledged and started to take care of my chronic depression. Maybe I am missing something? Is it something else I am unaware of? How can I get clarity on the situation?

And what do you guys think about it, especially with the other cards it popped up with?

Thanks a lot in advance and I apologize if this whole post seems unnecessary. I am just very confused!


That's a difficult one. Maybe you'd want to ask that question to the Tarot itself. Something like, which area of my life needs Death energy?

If you decide to post that reading on the forum, the moderators say you must start a new thread for it. In the meantime, I will just point out that Death, more often than not, points to an aspect of the self or the ego rather than a situation or a behavior.

Good luck on your quest :)


That's a difficult one. Maybe you'd want to ask that question to the Tarot itself. Something like, which area of my life needs Death energy?

If you decide to post that reading on the forum, the moderators say you must start a new thread for it. In the meantime, I will just point out that Death, more often than not, points to an aspect of the self or the ego rather than a situation or a behavior.

Good luck on your quest :)

Thanks so much for the response! You mentioned something really important, that Death doesn't always have to be about situations but an aspect of our self. I think that's really what I need to focus on. Thanks for giving me a deeper perspective on this and I will take your advice and do a reading to clarify the card!


Something is going to end and it will NEVER be the same again. You can NEVER go back. It will transform you.

I kept getting Death for several months as well. Like you I was struggling with it. I was trying to change jobs at the time and I thought it had something to do with that, but it didn't.

As it turned out my relationship with my mother died. It will never be the same again. I see her in a Hanged Man kind of way now. I see it from a different perspective. Something that will forever change my attitude towards her. This is a gigantic change. It isn't little. It's something you can't go back to.

So what do you think is dying? Are you looking at something in a different way?