Mystical Cats Tarot - Five of Earth (Pentacles)


An orange tabby cat is sitting in the snow in front of a large bay window. A light snow is falling and a thin layer of snowflakes already accumulated on his back.
A bright yellow light is pouring outside from the window. The 5 units of the window are partially frosted, but we can see inside quite well. On the left, there is a fire roaring in the fireplace and on the right, there are 2 cats cuddling together on a mat with a bowl filled with food in front of them.
The wall is made of stones and above the bay window, the pitched roof seems to be made of stained glass and showcases some blue and green squares, along with a green circle and a green star.

Colors : Warm yellow feel inside contrasting with the cold grey and white from outside.

This card is all about the most basic needs of all animals ; physical security, a warm shelter, food and companionship. Life is not always easy and sometimes one or more of those needs might be left unfulfilled for a while. In some cases, it's possible to get out of this misery, ''but it will require some effort on your part to attain them.''

Symbolism :

Snow : Symbolizes hardships, individuality and changes/endings (in relation to winter symbolism).

Sitting and gazing : This cat is sitting in a deep layer of snow and he's gazing through the window, while the falling snow is slowly accumulating on his back. It denotes passiveness, that no progress is being done at the moment.

Window : Clear separation between 2 very different worlds / experiences of life.
Here the window has no opening, reminding us how something can be so close yet not easily reachable.

Number 5 (window units) : Associated with challenges, struggles and the growth and learning resulting from them.

Yellow color : Very positive color, representing life and optimism. It's a very bright and warm yet not aggressive color.

Fireplace : Symbolizes safety and a warm home.

Stone wall : Associated with solidity, would symbolize a safe structure.

Roof : Symbol of protection.

Stained glass : Symbolizes inner light/hope and the fragility and preciousness of life. Historically, stained glass was called 'the Bible of the poor', so it could also be associated with spirituality and lessons which need to be learned.
Blue is used as the color of meditation and contemplation.
Green is the color of hope and new beginnings.

Circle : Symbolizes wholeness and infinity.

Star : Symbolizes hope, goals, faith, inspiration and spiritual self.