Renaissance Tarot (Jones / Lyle) - 5 of Pentacles


In the foreground are 5 pentacles on the floor and we can see the back of a figure who looks as if he is walking away from those pentacles.
He holds his hands in a way as if he has just shaken them or just dropped the coins. He doesn't need them any more.

Fives are about change and Pentacles or Coins are about the material plane so here we could say that this guy needs or has just undergone a physical change in his life.
This could also show a physical change in his health or his body - I've had this card come up in a reading before and I've read it to mean puberty - the person I was reading for was a teenager and I read the 5 of Coins as the great physical changes that his body was undergoing (often difficult changes).

This card has recently been showing up as a card of advice in my personal readings and I have read it as me needing to physically change something (the readings are about chronic headaches).
I've also read it as meaning that I should walk away from all the drugs I've been taking as they don't seem to be doing me any good.

He's walking away from physical possessions towards a vast expanse of green so this card could also be advising someone to get outside more or just to stop consuming, and ask yourself if you really need all those things you're spending your money on.

Once again a very simple image that can mean such a lot (and so much more than beggars in the snow).


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thanks for all that. really wonderful insights
i can't improve on anything you've already stated.
yea that beggars in the snow stuff is so limited and one dimensional.
never liked it. it's almost hokey and schmaltzy.
I always expect to hear violins in the background when I see that card.

it''s funny, lately, I've been avoiding the illustrated decks, they're almost beginning to irritate and annoy me. strange attitude to take, I know, but I've been moving towards the Marseilles *gasp*
The Lyle-Jones Renaissance seems like a comfortable fit between the RWS and Marseilles. who would have thought that could be achieved.
I :love: this deck. it's in a class by itself.


I've always just taken the snow, to be "out in the cold". For me one of my favourite 5 of pentacles cards, is the Osho Zen's 5 of Rainbows "Outsider", that is the feeling that I most often associate with this card.

This figure does look disappointed and dejected. He tried something, perhaps he put a lot of hope into it only to have it not work out the way he had hoped. Now he has turned his back on it and will have to try and find something else.

That's the pinch with this card though, there doesn't appear to be anything else, nothing in front of him, but maybe it is because he is looking down at his feet and not up.

I get a sense of energy drain from this card as well, like the thing that he is turning away from, drained his energy, he got nothing in return for his efforts.

The shape of the pentacles, look like a little smile to me. Which made me think of the glimmer of hope that is in this card, there is hope you are just not looking in the right place, or you don't see it yet but it is there.

I'm sorry to hear that you are unwell with chronic headaches Sulis. I know what it is like on a personal level to deal with physical pain. So I hope that you find something that works for you really soon. :)


Enchanted, I like the way you see a smile in the coins at the front, I hadn't thought of that :)
I saw them as tablets (pills) and so read it quite literally when I got it recently...

I see the energy drain too (and that's exactly how I was feeling when it showed up in my reading)..

I also get a feeling of the man saying 'I've had enough' of whatever it is he's turning away from.

Nice insights :)

Little Baron

Ah, so we have got to the 'bum clencher' :D [he always seems to be doing that, when I look].

Now this might sound silly. Well, actually it is. But when I first saw this card, I thought 'he's blind!'.

He stands there, in the midst of this great space. You want to yell 'they're right behind you', but he cannot see them. To him, they have disappeared. And I have never thought about it before, but losing your sight must be a bit like that. You still have your thoughts, drive and emotions, but you are physically impaired in many ways that will need overcoming. For someone that loses sight in adult-hood, you may feel very cut off.

For me [as I think Sulis mentioned], this card is like losing the four we had in the previous. You can feel around, but they are gone. Or at least, in this frame, they seem to be - whether that is health, cash, job, stability. Your link to the physical world has been cut. That space around him suddenlt feels very big.



Little Baron said:
He stands there, in the midst of this great space. You want to yell 'they're right behind you', but he cannot see them. To him, they have disappeared.

I also got the feeling that he's feeling alone and without, and can't see that he's really got more than he realizes. Turn around! Turn around!!

As a side note...I once drew this card in a tarot storytelling exercise. The figure represented a farmer who was having trouble with his crops. His friend (the QP) gave him 5 fertilizer disks, and told him to stop worrying about the crops--stop staring at them! :)


Sulis said:
In the foreground are 5 pentacles on the floor and we can see the back of a figure who looks as if he is walking away from those pentacles.
He holds his hands in a way as if he has just shaken them or just dropped the coins. He doesn't need them any more.

Fives are about change and Pentacles or Coins are about the material plane so here we could say that this guy needs or has just undergone a physical change in his life.
This could also show a physical change in his health or his body - I've had this card come up in a reading before and I've read it to mean puberty - the person I was reading for was a teenager and I read the 5 of Coins as the great physical changes that his body was undergoing (often difficult changes).

This card has recently been showing up as a card of advice in my personal readings and I have read it as me needing to physically change something (the readings are about chronic headaches).
I've also read it as meaning that I should walk away from all the drugs I've been taking as they don't seem to be doing me any good.

He's walking away from physical possessions towards a vast expanse of green so this card could also be advising someone to get outside more or just to stop consuming, and ask yourself if you really need all those things you're spending your money on.

Once again a very simple image that can mean such a lot (and so much more than beggars in the snow).

I know this thread got dropped a long time ago but I wanted to add some notes......another one of those :lightbulb moments for me LOL

yes, sacrificing physical possessions whether they be pills, cigarettes or assets.
dropping your dependency on the material level.
walking away from an environment that no longer supports and nourishes you. in this sense physical relocation is even possible, probably necessary.
change is definitely indicated here.....the need to move on.

guess I haven't said anything different than what's already been stated here by everybody but it was one of those lightning bolt moments last night LOL


Hi Papageno and welcome back :)

I really don't think it matters if we repeat what others have said or even what we've said ourselves... If it helps you to get something straight in your head then go for it :)

Aren't those lightning bolt moments good?

I seem to get a lot of those with this deck which I'm still using as my main deck... I love it :D


thanks Sulis and happy to see you posting here because I was afraid you might have been flooded out........when I saw posts from you it was a "whew" moment.

this deck is really becoming a part of me to the point where I see these cards whenever I use anything else and I have to make a concerted effort to concentrate on the deck in front of me LOL.......this is a really important year.....a very important summer for me.....a real turning point and everything seems to be motivating me not to drop the ball.....a real 7/wands situation.
a lot of really freaky coincidences or synchronisities (if you prefer) occurring.
this deck just drew me in like blood in my veins, can't explain it, just grateful.......was probably meant to be because it couldn't be happening at a more opportune or important time, just like this study group.
I think of it often when I read with the Renaissance.


Not being too influenced by the usual accepted tarot meanings, I see this card as "not counting your blessings". The figure appears rather despondant and is walking away from the pentacles, either doesn't want them, or considers them of no value, or has overlooked them completely.

The fact that there are 5 pentacles may mean that he's restless and want's to make change(s). He's fed up with, or rejecting, what already exists in his life.
