Would this type of painting make a good tarot card for a deck?



I have started a new deck + painting practice project. I am attaching my first picture, the card "Star". I just wanted to know what does it feel like for you? As a tarot card? Is it good or not good?


I actually like the feel of those kinds of paints and textures. The one thing I would change on the painting itself: Make the small stars around the big star more tunnel shaped as shown on the RWS. Otherwise, all the power to you, don't let my petty comment stop you from doing a full deck :)


Thanks for your reply. I asked the same to my husband and he said he prefers when it's "more realistic".
Well, I can't really draw very realistic but I'll try to make a deck "just for fun" because I like to draw only when there is a project and it's a great way to improve both tarot and drawing. About the stars. Yes, I was thinking about making them the star shape :) I guess I'll have to fix that :)


I like it too.. It reminds me quite a lot of The Stone Tarot, which is a deck I really love: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/stone/

I think the textures help me to see things in the images that may be important in a reading... It's lovely :).


Thanks so much for liking it. If there is more than one person liking it, it's worth making :) I've checked out the Stone Tarot and for me too, it reminded of mine, especially the colors. Maybe when the picture is smaller, the strokes will not be that visible, so it will have a "neater" look. Although the strokes also makes it look as if there is life in pictures, which may help in reading, I think.


I like it too. In my view this painting goes very well for a tarot deck.


Oh, I really like the style of this painting! I think it's great and certainly appropriate for a Tarot deck!

About the stars surrounding the largest one in the center, what I think is not necessarily that they need to be more star-shaped, but that they should be smaller - if you are going to include them at all. I feel that they could be half the size they are or smaller- it's perfectly fine if they are just twinkly dots. I think the large star needs to really take center stage.

I'm a new member here, so I haven't read much of the forum yet, but I hope that my feedback is helpful!


I think it's kind of busy, but that's just one person's opinion. The most important quality of a tarot card image should be how quickly and easily it is read, and anything that gets in the way of reading should be dispensed with.

But busy-ness is not a deal-breaker. Lots of good decks are amazing busy, with floating symbols everywhere, fussy art, and odd color combinations.... it can certainly be done!




Hi Aina! I like your style and would definitely like a Tarot deck like this. I would definitely continue! I have drawn several cards in pencil but I haven't mastered using paints so I'm afraid of destroying my drawings. Maybe I'll get the courage to continue drawing more Tarot cards and being able to paint them. When I paint on canvas I usually do better with a coat of color - then things just come alive by seeing things no one else sees - like faces - I'll create by seeing but never seen these people before lol! And their usually in turbans. Best wishes!


I think it's very cool. The woman reminds me of Isis, and I like the textural feel of the paint strokes.
Don't worry so much about being more realistic...there are enough of those decks out there already (CGI, photo collage)
Yours is more interesting, because it has a painterly style.
I am curious to see more!