7 of swords


Is this card about thinking and thinking and getting nowhere? Does it carry also the same meaning as that of RW - being alone, acting on your own?

How do you see 7 of swords in Toth?



Here is a place to start.


http://www.geocities.com/Paris/2110/ said:
7 of Swords, Futility.
the ultimate understanding of reality and magick as one and a complete whole of all worlds of spirit and body united, true intellect; INTUITION.
the balance (peace@world.com)

besides all the other possible interpretations of this card which lie strictly in adversity. this card has a very holy side to it which should never be overlooked. aquarius is the ultimate air sign, and therefore the intellect and consciousness of the indiviual, while the moon is the ultimate astrological symbol of the subconscious. now being that these are together in one card doesnt mean that they are without one another, they are as one here. it is the merging of the hidden will that the macrocosm drives you on (subconscious) and your own path you take in life (conscious). it as well is a powerful symbol of the order of the silver star that the creator of this tarot deck founded, if seven swords were crossed into a circle it would make a seven pointed silver star, just as the sigil of the order. the great work completed.
samuel james theil (samueltheil@blackmail.zzn.com)

Besides the well known idea of cheating, to me this card also stands for wondering and skepticism, but always knowing to be on the way home.
Hilmar (hihodgja@sp.zrz.tu-berlin)

Water is not a good place for the moon's self-image. Moon being emotion, and ruling Cancer, needs a stable home, and the shifting shimmering reflective surface of Aquarius in this card makes one feel, not suprisingly, unstable. But, Aquarius being an Air sign, the Swords here feel like they're on home turf. The problem is that they have here no ruling dogma, no cherished idea, because the inspired synthesis of the Six has met with the essential indescibability of actual experience. A gang of Swords with no strong leader, and nothing to do but idly bully the moon.
'mammal (jo@sylum.dungeon.com)

The full moon reflected in the waters of the entire ocean, which moon itself cannot escape its own imbibement into waveform emptiness, all of which would be only painfull awareness for the inhabitants of the ocean. Although it might be quite an idea to ostracize the moon from the ocean altogether and lose sight of even the possibility of actually being the moon.
avidyamanadiseternity (nighgel@sylum.dungeon.com)

Moon in Aquarius.
Mental fear of going forward.
Emotions saying "you can't" but mind is saying "you can".
Emotions keeping you at bay, causing doubt.
Alison (alisond@anv.net)

As I said, just a starting place or two.


Thank you marion, this is great! It is very useful, because the question was how a person feels and here a lot is explained about emotion and astrological connotations (moon etc).


For me, it's about the conflict between what the heart knows, and what the head is trying to force through - hence the sense of futility and getting no-where, because in the end, you can't cheat your heart, but your head needs to be won over too if something is to work out.


From The Equinox Volume 1 No. 8

Straight from the horse's mouth, direct quote from Crowley's Equinox Volume 1, Number 8 (1992 reprint)

Partial success. Yielding when victory is within grasp, as if the last reserves of strength were used up. Inclination to lose when on the point of gaining, through not continuing the effort. Love of abundance, fascinated by display, given to compliments, affronts and insolences, and to spy upon others. Inclined to betray confidences, not always intentionally. Rather vacillatory and unreliable.


Here are some of my old notes on the GD influences:

"The seventh sephirah on the Tree of Life is Netzach, which points to strongly-felt emotions and desires, a kind of energy or fervor. It is in the Yetziratic world of thought forms and the patterns they create. Astrologically the card is associated with Moon in Aquarius, which presents an uneasy match through a pairing of water with air. This attribution stresses that emotions are high but may be subconscious, moody, or in flux. Perhaps memories or subconscious concerns about roots and security are at stake. Aquarius is known for its revolutionary ideals. But this revolutionary impulse could be motivated by fluctuating emotions that yield uncertainty. Perhaps this person believes that long-range, idealistic ends justify any means, including subterfuge. Or strong emotions such as fear, desire or envy could be clouding the analytical, abstract mind. It would be easy to remain unconscious of the effects of one’s actions under such conditions."

The Seven of Swords is one of my favorite cards for comparing in decks and books. So I did an in-depth comparison of ten versions in my book _21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card_. One thing I found very interesting was the number of decks that used a fox in their pictures. I even talked to a couple of the deck creators who claimed they hadn't known anyone else had used a fox. Interestingly, the old English broadsword (which, on many versions, pierces through the center of the other six) was called a "fox."

The majority of decks imply that during a crisis, especially when the odds are against you, you must act swiftly to grab an opportunity to avoid being victimized. You need cunning and strategy to achieve your objectives. What appears like virtue to you could appear as vice to another.



oh, don't give up. 7 of swords, so lonly. it gives me the feeling that, you are on a hard mission. its not hard because you can't achieve it, or it's about how smart you are. its just the job is or the thinking you are doing is simplly to much for you to do on your own. you come back several times try to solve them all by one time. its not going to happen. you just simplly can't carry that much by yourself. whatever its a thinking or a job, go to someone you trust for help or advise. don't trap yourself in a dead situation. also don't be too hard on yourself. i have a feeling that, this is dragging you for too long, and you are about to give up, cos its so lonly and tiring. don't give up, share it with someone


It's about the futility of an unfocused mind. (see Liber Librea)

I have an idea (heart sword) but my mind is untrained and unfocused (I ignored AC's sugestion's and cant be bothered going to Yoga class anymore and I've stopped all those silly mental visualisation exercises and I have ignored the lessons in the 4 of discs about elemental pyschic heirarcy and personal power). So now I fail becasue my mind is a mess.

It has become fractured and disunified. Bits have broken off and are in conflict with the others:
(seeing each sword hilt and handle as a planet )
Mercury - my idea is too slow, my mind works too slow it cant go that fast - give up.
Jupiter - far too big, I can't handle on it, my mind cant encompass it.
Saturn - urk! all that disipline and focus ... nah! too lazy!
venus 0 well, what the hell, I dont really care about it any way
mars - and I dont really have the energy or drive
Sun - burned out
(two rings linked) - whats that? I dont know ... why do something I haven';t figured out yet .

They all swirl around and shatter the original idea,

Solution ? See Liber libera.
(sorry I'm going fast - library about to close for lunch)


ravenest said:
It's about the futility of an unfocused mind. (see Liber Librea)
Really great interpretation. It works for me.



The 7 of Swords “Futility” (as I see it)

The card of “Futility”, represents feelings associated with one’s self-esteem. It signifies a person’s self-criticism, revealing a shroud of self-doubt.

Have you ever said to yourself: “I just can’t do it - why bother because I won’t be able to do it anyway! This card is showing a mental fear of going forward and this causes procrastination. A feeling of hopelessness may cause you to avoid your obligations and this will only lead to stuckness.

Your emotions may be saying "you can't" even though in your mind you really know that: "you can". Stop looking for the easy way out.

Are your emotions keeping you at bay, causing doubt? There is an indication that some new idea is being stopped from development and beliefs that one can’t do it may be the cause!