Friend or Foe Spread


I made this today because I couldn't find such a spread readily. I created it, tried it, and it worked!

Focusing on the person in question, use the spread below to find the path you should take.

Friend or Foe Spread
[2] [3]
[4] [5] [6]

[1]Representation of friend.
This card represents the friend in question. Their strengths, weaknesses, and so forth.

[2] Positive Aspects.
What positive things this friend can offer.

[3] Negative Aspects.
What negative things this friend offers.

[4] The Past.
The past occurrences with this person.

[5] The Present.
Present happenings surrounding this person and you.

[6] The Future.
What the future will bring between this person and you.

[7] Conclusion.
What the reader should consider about this person. What path they should take. Things they should consider.


Very nice spread!


I tried this on a situation I've had ongoing with a worked a treat and came up very true!!!! Thank you!


This is a useful spread in my opinion because it does not presuppose anything about the so-called friend/foe---it doesn't assume they are a friend *or* a foe, but takes them on a neutral basis with the possibility for both negative and positive actions or effects.

The only thing I would do differently if I were doing this reading for myself is to re-name the last card "Advice" (instead of Conclusion).