Wanted: A spread for buying an expensive item.


Hi All, does anyone have a spread that will help us decide in whether or not to purchase a new car, while we are quite financially stable, and I always have pentacles in my spreads, I feel that it will be a bad decision.
I did a 2 card spread on our finances, and I pulled out the VI and VII of Pentacles.
Help appreciated


Well the 6 and 7 of Pentacles is clearly advising you to assess if your in a postition financially to invest in the car.

What about a simple 3 card spread:

A 1 B

A - Considerations of Choice A

1 - Factor that will help you make the decision

B - Considerations of Choice B

Spread it taken from Rickleff Tarot Tells the Tale book.

Astraea Aurora

Hi Emerald_Empress,

also take a look at the Tarot Spread Forum Index - there are quite some useful spreads to be found under "Crossroads and Decision Making Spreads", post #4.

Astraea Aurora :grin:

