Three of swords. What the actual heck?


Moderator Note

WhyWuh, please check your PMs.


WhyWuh, you have posted a lot of threads as of late asking if certain people miss you, are secretly longing for you or are trying to get you out of their head, etc... it's an alarming pattern to say the very least, and a few have already pointed this out. 3 of Swords could be tossing up there is nothing there and you are effectively seeing what you want to see, therefore only causing yourself more serious pain in the process.

Trying to be constructive here, but maybe start looking within for the answers instead of outwards... why is it so important for Tarot to tell you how someone feels? Isn't it more better to "know" that rather than rely on whether the cards tell you if you are loved, appreciated, are attractive, etc etc? Is there constructive advice in these cards as it relates to back to their connection with you? i.e. is their only purpose in your life is for you to learn some lesson as it relates to this card? In my experience, cards are energy and they often embody a lot more than what we ask in our query(s). They can be sourced or traced to other aspects of the situation... or even back to us! Why do/ask several readings asking the same question? Do you trust your own gut or are you just trying to dig to force a result you want?... you won't find happiness in your life by cards alone or hanging onto to far off hopes... again, what the 3 of swords could be reflecting back to you in the situation...

You admitted yourself recently you were using readings/your gift to manipulate others and that you were playing mind games with them. "Could it mean that they will be hurting they can't be with me?" <-- this is exactly the same thing... you digging and digging into people's personal lives for their past pains. Is along the same lines of the discussion we had before where you were reading the guy who wouldn't act on his supposed strong feelings of you...

To be quite honest, I think Tarot is no longer giving you answers you desire, but spitting back your own projections into your face to force you to deal with them more directly. Effectively, you're getting jargon as it relates to your queries. Maybe you've realized this already which is why you keep asking other people to look at your cards or to see if so/so is really thinking fuzzy thoughts about you... you're hoping for a different answer than what you're hearing.

This comes from personal experience, but when I have fixated on what someone else is thinking and the solution is within, Tarot gives me a "Nope" and projects back my own mess... I acknowledge it as meaning that I need to work on the solution within before I can even constructively deal with what is in front of me. For me, this has usually meant getting away from these situations/people so that I can get my own head in order first... this may mean taking a break from the cards


WhyWuh, you have posted a lot of threads as of late asking if certain people miss you, are secretly longing for you or are trying to get you out of their head, etc... it's an alarming pattern to say the very least, and a few have already pointed this out. 3 of Swords could be tossing up there is nothing there and you are effectively seeing what you want to see, therefore only causing yourself more serious pain in the process.

Trying to be constructive here, but maybe start looking within for the answers instead of outwards... why is it so important for Tarot to tell you how someone feels? Isn't it more better to "know" that rather than rely on whether the cards tell you if you are loved, appreciated, are attractive, etc etc? Is there constructive advice in these cards as it relates to back to their connection with you? i.e. is their only purpose in your life is for you to learn some lesson as it relates to this card? In my experience, cards are energy and they often embody a lot more than what we ask in our query(s). They can be sourced or traced to other aspects of the situation... or even back to us! Why do/ask several readings asking the same question? Do you trust your own gut or are you just trying to dig to force a result you want?... you won't find happiness in your life by cards alone or hanging onto to far off hopes... again, what the 3 of swords could be reflecting back to you in the situation...

You admitted yourself recently you were using readings/your gift to manipulate others and that you were playing mind games with them. "Could it mean that they will be hurting they can't be with me?" <-- this is exactly the same thing... you digging and digging into people's personal lives for their past pains. Is along the same lines of the discussion we had before where you were reading the guy who wouldn't act on his supposed strong feelings of you...

To be quite honest, I think Tarot is no longer giving you answers you desire, but spitting back your own projections into your face to force you to deal with them more directly. Effectively, you're getting jargon as it relates to your queries. Maybe you've realized this already which is why you keep asking other people to look at your cards or to see if so/so is really thinking fuzzy thoughts about you... you're hoping for a different answer than what you're hearing.

This comes from personal experience, but when I have fixated on what someone else is thinking and the solution is within, Tarot gives me a "Nope" and projects back my own mess... I acknowledge it as meaning that I need to work on the solution within before I can even constructively deal with what is in front of me. For me, this has usually meant getting away from these situations/people so that I can get my own head in order first... this may mean taking a break from the cards
I could deny or try to say that this all is a huge pile of bullsh*t but the problem is that you're most likely right. I don't try to deal with my own stuff. I want to be loved by someone when I don't know how to love myself in the first place. I want others admire me when I don't admire myself. I want others to come and fix my mess. To fill the void in my soul. But I don't know how to do that myself in the first place. It's possible that cards are giving me my own stuff and tells me to man up and deal with my problems instead of waiting for a knight in shining armor. Thank you so much. You helped me to see the real thing behind my constant asking the same questions.


I could deny or try to say that this all is a huge pile of bullsh*t but the problem is that you're most likely right. I don't try to deal with my own stuff. I want to be loved by someone when I don't know how to love myself in the first place. I want others admire me when I don't admire myself. I want others to come and fix my mess. To fill the void in my soul. But I don't know how to do that myself in the first place. It's possible that cards are giving me my own stuff and tells me to man up and deal with my problems instead of waiting for a knight in shining armor. Thank you so much. You helped me to see the real thing behind my constant asking the same questions.

You remind me of the two slippery slopes that I think can hinder readings. On one hand, you have to have faith in your own gut and intuition that you are receiving guidance from a "good" place that isn't misleading you... on the other hand, it is also possible to misuse that gut to the point that you are creating or projecting forces into your life that simply aren't there. The latter can really play with your head during readings.

The Tarot picks up very well on both these situations and will tell you when there's a "listening" issue, but you have to be on some level open to the warnings it provides. You can be in the camp where you don't listen to your gut or inner voice at all in life and that can leave you feeling immobile and paralyzed... on the other hand, gut isn't everything. At best, it's a navigation system of sorts for helping you to find the right direction, but it's not meant to tell you where to go, i.e. dictate your actions, make decisions for you or make all the plans for your life.

I hope that you find direction and it's not simply based on the cards, but something solid and permanent that will aid you on the rest of your journey. It is the New Year, so a good time to think about making new changes!... there is always time. :)


I find that the 3 of swords in relationship readings doesn't just speak of a break up or not wanting to be with someone, it also suggests another person or the idea of another person is causing this split or dis-interest. So this person that you like thinks there's someone else out their for them would be my interpretation of this.

As for using the cards to find out how someone feels for you over and over again, if you do it instead of texting, meeting up with or trying to seduce someone that you're obsessed with and who you have no future with/ who doesn't want you then this is a good thing. It'll take time and mental and emotional energy from your life while you do these readings but if it keeps you from worse actions then I think that that's just fine. I once had to break up with a man who I was in love with (he told me that he didn't love me but still wanted to see me) and it was one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do. I had to almost chew my hand off not to call him or email him or see him. So when I had the strongest urge to contact him I'd call a friend, (like an alcoholic calling a sponsor), or I'd do a tarot reading. In time I stopped. But that really helped me for a while. And in the cards I found more than the answers I was dying to ask him, I found wisdom. And it does gives some sense of having choices too. At least that's how it was for me. So perhaps decide for yourself if these readings are part of a harmless channel for your obsession with someone that brings you some comfort or if it is becoming a time-eater that is making your obsession worse.

"It's possible that cards are giving me my own stuff and tells me to man up and deal with my problems instead of waiting for a knight in shining armor. Thank you so much. You helped me to see the real thing behind my constant asking the same questions."

Asking the same questions In tarot readings is natural enough from time to time. There is nothing wrong with being obsessive sometimes too. It's how the greatest accomplishments are achieved. It depends on how this obsessiveness is directed. If you were doing yoga instead of tarot readings every time you felt this feeling of lack it would be better for you but you're not shooting up so keep a perspective on how bad this really is for you. There's nothing wrong with wanting love either or love from a certain person or even wanting to be rescued. Everyone feels that way sometimes. Just not all the time. And rejection hurts at any age. It's a sad part of the human condition. But as an adult we have resources of our own. Rather than "man up" which sounds like you're judging yourself harshly or resenting your (very human) weakness why not be gentle and understanding of yourself? This is indeed part of self love. You can try to move on from this person while also feeling compassion for yourself. Having compassion for yourself is different from self pity though or turning your idea of yourself/ life story into that of a tragic victim. Acknowledging your pain, that you have a right to feel weak or needy or lacking and then seeking self love and knowing you can grow is a more helpful approach I think. Happiness, self love, all love is possible so long as you're alive. For specific help I recommend "baggage reclaim" the blog for understanding self love, self esteem and healthy boundaries in relationships and for really defining what that can be. There's lots of posts that won't apply to you but you can search on the site.

If doing these readings has become bad for you in some way then I'd recommend delaying them. So try once every second day, then once a week. If that's too tough then try leaving your deck somewhere at work so you don't have them at home to look at.

The three of swords is a minor card so take heart from that. This stage will pass soon. This pain will pass.


I find that the 3 of swords in relationship readings doesn't just speak of a break up or not wanting to be with someone, it also suggests another person or the idea of another person is causing this split or dis-interest. So this person that you like thinks there's someone else out their for them would be my interpretation of this.

As for using the cards to find out how someone feels for you over and over again, if you do it instead of texting, meeting up with or trying to seduce someone that you're obsessed with and who you have no future with/ who doesn't want you then this is a good thing. It'll take time and mental and emotional energy from your life while you do these readings but if it keeps you from worse actions then I think that that's just fine. I once had to break up with a man who I was in love with (he told me that he didn't love me but still wanted to see me) and it was one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do. I had to almost chew my hand off not to call him or email him or see him. So when I had the strongest urge to contact him I'd call a friend, (like an alcoholic calling a sponsor), or I'd do a tarot reading. In time I stopped. But that really helped me for a while. And in the cards I found more than the answers I was dying to ask him, I found wisdom. And it does gives some sense of having choices too. At least that's how it was for me. So perhaps decide for yourself if these readings are part of a harmless channel for your obsession with someone that brings you some comfort or if it is becoming a time-eater that is making your obsession worse.

"It's possible that cards are giving me my own stuff and tells me to man up and deal with my problems instead of waiting for a knight in shining armor. Thank you so much. You helped me to see the real thing behind my constant asking the same questions."

Asking the same questions In tarot readings is natural enough from time to time. There is nothing wrong with being obsessive sometimes too. It's how the greatest accomplishments are achieved. It depends on how this obsessiveness is directed. If you were doing yoga instead of tarot readings every time you felt this feeling of lack it would be better for you but you're not shooting up so keep a perspective on how bad this really is for you. There's nothing wrong with wanting love either or love from a certain person or even wanting to be rescued. Everyone feels that way sometimes. Just not all the time. And rejection hurts at any age. It's a sad part of the human condition. But as an adult we have resources of our own. Rather than "man up" which sounds like you're judging yourself harshly or resenting your (very human) weakness why not be gentle and understanding of yourself? This is indeed part of self love. You can try to move on from this person while also feeling compassion for yourself. Having compassion for yourself is different from self pity though or turning your idea of yourself/ life story into that of a tragic victim. Acknowledging your pain, that you have a right to feel weak or needy or lacking and then seeking self love and knowing you can grow is a more helpful approach I think. Happiness, self love, all love is possible so long as you're alive. For specific help I recommend "baggage reclaim" the blog for understanding self love, self esteem and healthy boundaries in relationships and for really defining what that can be. There's lots of posts that won't apply to you but you can search on the site.

If doing these readings has become bad for you in some way then I'd recommend delaying them. So try once every second day, then once a week. If that's too tough then try leaving your deck somewhere at work so you don't have them at home to look at.

The three of swords is a minor card so take heart from that. This stage will pass soon. This pain will pass.

I love your reply! What you said was on my mind since a very long time (except that you phrased it very nicely!), but almost no one will say these things here. I know that other ATers are trying to help by giving their feedback and that obsessive readings about a topic can be ''harmful'', but it is so true that these type of reading can also help!

I have been there too (and I am still a bit there too). 2-3 years ago, I did fall for someone very badly! But this man was taken, despite a palpable mutual attraction on both sides. I did SO MANY tarot readings about it! I am very honest here, but I always felt that the cards were gentle with me and that my pain was understood. I can't count the number of readings I did, and the cards always made sens (except on very rare occasions). Yes, this process helped me to gain some understanding about the situation, to make peace with it and to acknowledge what was going on on both sides.

I also had a very life transforming but short romance a year ago. As you said, instead of contacting this man numerous time, I turned into Tarot to answer my questions, explore my feelings (why do I truly like him?) and because tarot CAN give you some answers when someone shut the door on you without any explanations.

So for other ATers, please if it happens (you being obsessive over some questions), I think that you should first acknowledge it and make the necessary changes to achieve a balanced life, but don't be harsh on yourself! I am pretty sure that to some extent, it happened to about 90% of Tarot readers at some point :)


I get this card in various readings around other positive cards to various questions about X feelings/relationships with me in the future. Could it mean that they will be hurting they can't be with me? (Like longing) or maybe their feelings will be killing them inside and they will desire to express their emotions but hold back and it will be hurting them to the core? Or maybe they will be disappointed in themselves that they're attracted to me? Or maybe they will try tondeny their feelings for me and it will make them hurt? Or maybe....? I'm utterly lost right now. Can someone help?

When someone asks me "could" a card mean something, by answer is always yes. Tarot is very intuition based and if in a reading you FELT a certain card means something (even if it never meant that before for you) then that is what it means. It's a lot about tuning into that. I would never say that a card could not mean something. Its about tuning in to that.

I find when you feel something to go with your first reaction/impulse/feeling/instinct. If you think about it, it messes things up. Thought turns off intuition. There is no way to logically know or decide which if 2 or more meanings is the right one. You have to trust what you felt. Sounds like you're in your mind trying to think out logically which alternative is right. Can't be done. You have to stop thinking and feel which feels right.

But that said...

I don't know it this will help, but all I can do is tell you what it means to me in the way I read. The cards have different nuances and ways to talking for each reader.

The 3 of Swords (for me in the way I read) talks about having kind, nurturing protective thoughts about someone. Thinking of them in this way, thinking of what you can do to help them in these ways. It could even potentially talk about being protective of your own thoughts, maybe not willing to let anyone challenge them or an unwillingness to consider any other viewpoints. That is what the card is for me personally. Of course the image will have a lot to say too for me in the message.



You remind me of the two slippery slopes that I think can hinder readings. On one hand, you have to have faith in your own gut and intuition that you are receiving guidance from a "good" place that isn't misleading you... on the other hand, it is also possible to misuse that gut to the point that you are creating or projecting forces into your life that simply aren't there. The latter can really play with your head during readings.

The Tarot picks up very well on both these situations and will tell you when there's a "listening" issue, but you have to be on some level open to the warnings it provides. You can be in the camp where you don't listen to your gut or inner voice at all in life and that can leave you feeling immobile and paralyzed... on the other hand, gut isn't everything. At best, it's a navigation system of sorts for helping you to find the right direction, but it's not meant to tell you where to go, i.e. dictate your actions, make decisions for you or make all the plans for your life.

I hope that you find direction and it's not simply based on the cards, but something solid and permanent that will aid you on the rest of your journey. It is the New Year, so a good time to think about making new changes!... there is always time. :)
I read cards this way: I shuffle and shuffle and shuffle and then BAM I get a feeling of 'this. Here you have to stop. This is your answer'. Maybe I just need to be more in tune with my own gut feeling? Like once I get an answer I have to stop asking? But at the same time this is the way I am not only with tarot but with people too. I ask and ask and re-ask and drive people nuts. Like asking 'do we have milk at home? I'm going to supermarket after work.' Then when on my way to supermarket I'd be calling and asking again 'do we really have milk? I'm on my way to supermarket'. Then at supermarket I'd call AGAIN and I'd be like 'do we REALLY have milk? Go and check the fridge'. I'm just checking because I want to be sure. I want to be 100 per cent sure. I have that feeling of 'trust no one and check ten times'. So there's no wonder it's the same with tarot for me. I just don't trust and I feel relieved when I get the same card again and again as it shows me that I am correct. But at the same time it confuses me when it comes to tarot in particular as in tarot when card repeats itself it means significant message.


I find that the 3 of swords in relationship readings doesn't just speak of a break up or not wanting to be with someone, it also suggests another person or the idea of another person is causing this split or dis-interest. So this person that you like thinks there's someone else out their for them would be my interpretation of this.

As for using the cards to find out how someone feels for you over and over again, if you do it instead of texting, meeting up with or trying to seduce someone that you're obsessed with and who you have no future with/ who doesn't want you then this is a good thing. It'll take time and mental and emotional energy from your life while you do these readings but if it keeps you from worse actions then I think that that's just fine. I once had to break up with a man who I was in love with (he told me that he didn't love me but still wanted to see me) and it was one of the hardest things that I've ever had to do. I had to almost chew my hand off not to call him or email him or see him. So when I had the strongest urge to contact him I'd call a friend, (like an alcoholic calling a sponsor), or I'd do a tarot reading. In time I stopped. But that really helped me for a while. And in the cards I found more than the answers I was dying to ask him, I found wisdom. And it does gives some sense of having choices too. At least that's how it was for me. So perhaps decide for yourself if these readings are part of a harmless channel for your obsession with someone that brings you some comfort or if it is becoming a time-eater that is making your obsession worse.

"It's possible that cards are giving me my own stuff and tells me to man up and deal with my problems instead of waiting for a knight in shining armor. Thank you so much. You helped me to see the real thing behind my constant asking the same questions."

Asking the same questions In tarot readings is natural enough from time to time. There is nothing wrong with being obsessive sometimes too. It's how the greatest accomplishments are achieved. It depends on how this obsessiveness is directed. If you were doing yoga instead of tarot readings every time you felt this feeling of lack it would be better for you but you're not shooting up so keep a perspective on how bad this really is for you. There's nothing wrong with wanting love either or love from a certain person or even wanting to be rescued. Everyone feels that way sometimes. Just not all the time. And rejection hurts at any age. It's a sad part of the human condition. But as an adult we have resources of our own. Rather than "man up" which sounds like you're judging yourself harshly or resenting your (very human) weakness why not be gentle and understanding of yourself? This is indeed part of self love. You can try to move on from this person while also feeling compassion for yourself. Having compassion for yourself is different from self pity though or turning your idea of yourself/ life story into that of a tragic victim. Acknowledging your pain, that you have a right to feel weak or needy or lacking and then seeking self love and knowing you can grow is a more helpful approach I think. Happiness, self love, all love is possible so long as you're alive. For specific help I recommend "baggage reclaim" the blog for understanding self love, self esteem and healthy boundaries in relationships and for really defining what that can be. There's lots of posts that won't apply to you but you can search on the site.

If doing these readings has become bad for you in some way then I'd recommend delaying them. So try once every second day, then once a week. If that's too tough then try leaving your deck somewhere at work so you don't have them at home to look at.

The three of swords is a minor card so take heart from that. This stage will pass soon. This pain will pass.
Thank you. I really appreciate your wise words. The only reason why I do these readings is that this person is my twin flame and I'm more enlightened. I know one thing. This person and I are meant to be but not as lovers. Our purpose is higher. At the same time I just KNOW that if this person came up to me with his arms and heart wide open like 'I love you. Let's be together' I would reject him. I need him. I want him. But at the same time I KNOW that I can't be with him because I need to fix my sh*t first. I need to love myself. I don't want him as a romantic partner. I don't want to have sex with him or something. This need I feel for this person comes from my very core. It comes from my soul. But at the same time I get another feeling. Like I need to fix myself. But tarot gives me 'proof' that this person at least misses me/wants to be with me just as much as I want. That he feels our bond. Our connection. But at the same time it's my nature to re-ask all the stuff ten times just to be sure because I don't trust anyone. I have trust issues, I have issues with self love I have issues... You name it and I'd probably have it. I'm in the dark place right now. And the only way to go up is for me. Alone. This is my lesson. To be comfortable with myself but right now I am not. I actually need to deal with my own stuff. I am not judging myself. That's just plain truth. But at the same time tarot helps me to cope. I need answers. And when I don't know where to turn anymore I turn to tarot. But it's difficult place to be. I want to be with him. But I can't. The only thing that I have is tarot that tells me about his feelings. And it's painful. Very painful. My way up is painful. I'm into church right now and it helps me sometimes. I pray a lot. I do tarot a lot. I just try to heal.