Who is Who?

Inner Eye

This is an easy spread that works with up to 4 different individuals. It is cool how each person is described simultaneously. I have used many times with excellent results, even with individuals thrown in from the past.

Turn over 3 cards for each person:
1st card: Identify this person
2nd card: Reality of the relationship (probable)
3rd card: Advice or Clarify

Who is Who Spread looks like this:



thanks ive been looking for a spread like this and its really cool the layout is like a progression did you mean it to be like that its cool!!!!!!!


inner eye, I like the idea of the spread, but how do you decide which person belongs to which line of the spread?
you could vary the shape of the spreads a bit, perhaps


just an idea, if you relate the different persons to the N,W,S,E direction???
So you could decide perhaps, let me say: Steven will be North, then you draw the N cards, Ann will be South, then you draw the S cards. Hope you understand what I mean.

Inner Eye

knowing which person....

your method of N,S,E,W works also. it doesn't really matter how the spread is placed, just that each line is one person.
i usually will flip the three cards for that individual before progressing to the next. alternatively, i have put a post it note with their name on it and then flipped the three cards underneath to remind myself, who is who. or, keep a journal writing going simultaneously--always records your readings for later reflection also...hope that helps


What would you use a reading like this for?? :confused: I mean, it looks effective and doable and all, but I'm just trying to figure out when I'd actually want people described?

\m/ Kat

Inner Eye

not sure why you want people described.....

I don't know about people in your world, but in mine, never what they appear to be. That is why this spread is effective, to clarify a person's character or perhaps the reality of the relationship we choose to ignore, the truth.


Ah, thankyou for explaining. Yes, there are few people in my world, or ones that matter, anyway, and they're only there if they're genuine types. I don't associate with people who make me worry about what they're thinking ;)

\m/ Kat