Konraad's Past Life Spread pt. 1


If Left-to-right seems more natural, let's give it a try. As I said, this is interactive, so let's go with your instincts:

Kaz said:

Throne 4:
.....................................Ace Swords
Hierophant - Temperance - Star - Strength - Tower - Sun - Judgment - Wheel

The Wheel & Judgement indicates a time period--a time of great change, of the old vanishing, the new arriving. With your middle-ages feel, I wonder if it wasn't right after the Great Plague, the end of it, when those who survived came out and began to live again, as if re-born.

The Sun & Tower--this was the time into which you, in your past life, were born. It felt sunny, but it was also in the shadow of this great, past catastrophe which had so shaken the world. I would venture to say, also, that the sun indicates that you, in your youth, brought a vision of newness, wisdom, etc., into this world that had been so badly shaken up.

In your younger days, you were, if you will, a Renaissance "kid" before the Renaissance had offically hit.

Strength & Star--as you got older, became an adult, you gained an inner strength, death and other dangers didn't scare you as they did others who'd lived through the catastrophe. You also had an ability to take the long view. Others at this time, having seen so much death, were indulging in a "live-for-day" philosophy. Not you. Like the Renaissance man (?) you were, you saw far ahead, as well as beneath the surface. You understood what would be required to take the world beyond its survivor status into a new and better age.

Temperance & Hierophant--balancing these out, strenght and foresight, by the time you moved into your mature years you'd transformed yourself into a powerful, insightful, spiritual leader. Likely, as seen by the hermit and such, a solitary spiritual visionary, but one who folk came to for help, ideas, healing, teaching.

We can see all this reflected in your present life. The insight, lack of fear, in your childhood, as your independence both in childhood and love-life. Death as a "friend" instead of an enemy--change being good rather than scary. Also, in your career, you take your time and take chances. Some folk jump right in, but you've given yourself time and experience in your search for a calling.

Any closer?


This sort of "feels" like a way better story than the other one, although I can't give you a definate answer offcourse. You are great in this Thirteen, making stories. Yea I like this one......
Kaz is short for Karen, so no man, but woman :)
Thanks for your help in this !
Where is your spread Jewel?



Could be male, actually. In theory, you could be either sex in a past life. But if it doesn't feel male, than not male.


Kaz said:
Where is your spread Jewel?

I still have not been able to do it :( ... I have been real busy and have not had the time to dedicate to it. I am hoping to be able to do it Tuesday or Wednesday night. Just not enough hours in the day ;)


Jewel's past life spread

I used the Cosmic Tribe to do this spread. I want to preface this post by saying that this is an incredible spread and when I got to pass life I was floored into stillness as if someone had thrown a glass of cold water in my face (this is not a bad thing ... just confirmed something I already knew).

Here it is:

Throne I - Destiny & Early Childhood
**Ace of Cups**

Throne II - Career
**Ace of Wands**
**Magician**Art**Devil**Hanged Man**

Throne III - Love & Marriage
**Ace of Swords**

Throne IV - Psyche (Past Life)
**Ace of Disks**


Thrones I and II

I have Konraads book and read each throne left to right at suggested in the book. It worked well for me and made total sense in the interpretation.

Throne I: Destiny and early childhood

**Ace of Cups**

Ace of Cups=Love of pleasure, depletion
When I was very small we received an opportunity to move from one country to another (different language and culture) which would mark an ending one chapter of my life and starting a whole new one (Death). My parents had to really weigh the decision to move (Balance) as it was a complete change for mom and me. They decided to go for it and off to the tropics we went ... a land that promised (at the time) a more stable financial life (Sun). 13 years later that foundation was rocked when the economy of that country went sour and the political situation became unstable (Tower). This instability lead me to in the pursuit of my destiny and to fully begin to experience the turning Wheel of fortune. My years in that country were wonderful and I did have a great childhood.

Throne II: Career

**Ace of Wands**
**Magician**Art**Devil**Hanged Man**

Ace of Wands = Great Power
I am the Magician. My creativity and conceptual skills have always help me land on my feet. It is the use of that creative energy which has helped me be often recognized as an above average and talented employee (Art). However, this creative energy or force also has its drawbacks because it can overflow and pull me in many directions ... and ofcourse sometimes I bite off more than I can chew. It also distracts my focus and takes me to all the personal creative things I want to do (Devil - push and pull). This push and pull more often than not has me marching to my own drum so to speak, and feeling like I never have enough time to do all the things I want to do know I can do well (Hanged Man). I seem to always accomplish what I set out to do, sometimes not even knowing how I did it! (Magician again).


Thrones III & IV

Throne III: Love & Marriage

**Ace of Swords**

Ace of Swords = Quarrels
I am a dreamer and dream of the perfect love (Star), to the point that I careate great illusions - mainly for myself though others do get cought in them and believe me to be exactly what they have been looking for (Moon). I suppose you can say I live up very nicely to my piscean sign ;) At any rate, dreamer and illusionist aside, I do hold very strong values and am very nurturing (Empress). But above all in my soul I am a free spirit ... in love with love and I love with the zest of innocense (Fool). I crave the unity of human and spiritual love ... I want my soul mate (Universe). As you can see this is a bittersweet perspective to have in the real world and does not work well in our society, thus this area of life has been difficult to sustain effectively *LOL*.

Throne IV - Psyche (Past Life)

**Ace of Disks**

Ace of Disks = Unhappy or unlucky

Now I am going to tell you a story. Once upon a time several centuries ago there was a young woman born with power and control (Chariot) and strength (Strength). She once fell deeply in love (Lovers), but had to relinquish that love to rule the kingdom (Emperor). She had to adjust to this change in role and she had to transform herself leaving her personal happiness and love behind her for the greater good of the kingdom (Emergence). She had many advisors and many to teach her until she became the teacher (Hermit). As Queen she had much power and was the institution (Heirophant), and all of her dreams and spirit remained locked away from her behind the veil (Priestess). She died sad, alone ... all her dreams of love and self locked within her ...

This spread has completly explained to me all of the aspects of me. My overflow of creative energy, my ability to do things when I do not know how, and the fact that I am a dreamer and want it all ... and the creation of illusions to ensure that I never become the woman I once was forced to be in a past life ...


Jewel: Wow! Awesome reading you did on yourself there. I'm amazed.


Thirteen said:
Jewel: Wow! Awesome reading you did on yourself there. I'm amazed.

That's it? I did that good? ~giggles~ Thanks Thirteen! I would love to hear any comments. Out of curiousity Thirteen, what was it that amazed you?

The Cosmic Tribe was an amazing deck to do this spread with. The meanings immediately jumped out and did not require me to think, it just happened ... sort of like an automatic writting exercise ... it came easily and naturally. Anyone who has this deck (and likes it) I recommend you try the spread with it.


Jewel, I can only second what Thirteen said, awesome reading here........unreal.
