Rohrig Tarot - 8 of Disks - Question


This card has the blooming tree thing, which I presume to be the blooming of creativity. Okay, I get that part.

But, what's with the group of people facing away from the reader?

Is there some link between prudence and turning one's back?

The 6 and 9 of Disks also seem to have a group of people in them. Is this some sort of "journey" thing?


Ok.. I don't have the book that goes along with the deck. So this observation is strickly from looking at the card a bit.

I, personally, don't have the feeling of the group turning its back on the reader per se. With you saying the blooming flower may suggest creativity, if you look behind it, the lighting contrast is brighter than that behind the group. If infact it is a journey, maybe they are looking forward to the 'brighter' more fruitful aspect than turning and looking back.

Then again, I could be completely off track. :)



Be Prudent in Your Choice of Friends


Since you mention it, my impression is that it is prudent to choose carefully your influences and the people who (literally) flank you.

There's a subtle influence for good or bad in the people you hang out with. Most of us would acknowledge this in school, but as adults we tend to forget that friendships can destroy or overtake our good judgement and cause us pain, even get us in serious trouble.

Influences at work, influences in your personal life, influences on the Internet.

Either that or it means there are two or more men for every woman!!!

Edited to say: I would add that part of prudence is discretion, and when involved in creative pursuits there are sometimes saboteurs or well-meaning friends casting doubts or undermining your ideas. The picture on the card--they are all one big happy team igniting the flame--or are they?

I am reminded of a quote which came from Tarot Shadow Work by Christine Jette. She cites Julia Cameron from her book The Artist's Way: "Always remember, the first rule of magic is self-containment."

See those ephemeral "blooms" like whispy fog? Those are your ideas, your creativity, and until you get them in some sort of concrete form, be prudent fuel the flame in your own mind.

Freud would have fun with Carl Rohrig and me. "Dear Prudence, won't you come out to playyyyyy....."

(I love this deck, why didn't I get it a year ago when I first considered it? Tsk, tsk.)