Triomphes de Paris


What an interesting site! I'm finding it all really cool. Thanks for the link!

Dee Ell

Has LeFanu seen this? I should think it would be of great interest...

Le Fanu

Has LeFanu seen this? I should think it would be of great interest...
I have this! Or rather I have the original printing on the lovely thick card. I also have a couple of minis he did. Love this deck. But I see this is dated August 2016. Is it just a new edition?


I have the same ones Leffy has. :) It's great fun.


I have this! Or rather I have the original printing on the lovely thick card. I also have a couple of minis he did. Love this deck. But I see this is dated August 2016. Is it just a new edition?
not a new edition, some old stocks that resurfaced while moving things ! There is also this peculiar plastic card edition that never went live, funny because the picture on poker sized card are a little bit larger than the original images, and IIRC I reworked them a bit at the time, I enjoyed them and planned to make a regular cardboard eidtion - and then the printer proved to be totally unreliable so this had to stop.

(there even an original deck, #31)

prudence > I only almost finished the baton serie (stopped at those two court cards), if I were one day to finish the 78 cards deck this size I would probably make a new serie of trumps.

LeFanu and Gregory > really glad you're still enjoying them ! I hope you'll enjoy the deck to come too