78DW: The Minor Arcana (Part 2 Intro)


Jewel said:
~Dusts the cobwebs off of her copy of 78 DW~

Hi Lunalafey, to answer your question of the "part 1" "part 2" thing, 78 DW was orginally written in 2 volumes, with part 1 being the Majors and part 2 the Minors (which you have).

What was my question ? I knew this already, check my first and second post in this thread. Maybe you ment to address someone else ??? I'm confused enough, don't need help :)
spiritlady, it the US, there are little neat shops that people take their old books too and exchange them for other old books. A USED BOOK store. Look in the phone directory under books, used. The net is good, but the treasures are found in these shops


Re: IS IT ?

lunalafey said:
Is this where I can jump in for the study group ?
I was in the used bookstore, hoping but not expecting to find this book that ya'all been talking about. Lucky me or just syncronicity, The book I got is part two and now the disscusion for part two starts. Am I wrong do I need to go elsewhere ? Now what ?

This was the post I was responding to. Sorry for the confusion.


Thanks every one yes we do have second hand book stores here as well but silly me I thought every one was talking about one on the web that I didn't know about .