Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi


Wowie, this deck is one wild ride through Tarotville. It's really fantastic. It's like nothing I've ever seen before. Is that P.T. Barnum on the Devil card? Ha ha.

Got a question, though. Isn't the Duchess of Cups supposed to say Duchess of Buckets? Was that intentional, or is it a typo?


Wowie, this deck is one wild ride through Tarotville. It's really fantastic. It's like nothing I've ever seen before. Is that P.T. Barnum on the Devil card? Ha ha.

Got a question, though. Isn't the Duchess of Cups supposed to say Duchess of Buckets? Was that intentional, or is it a typo?

That is what you would call a typo!!! Thanks for pointing it out to me!!

She was one of the first Minors that I created, way beck before I had even decided what to call the suits... and she obviously never got changed to reflect the final ideas.

This is just the sort of thing that slips by me, I'm so happy you pointed it out!

(And yes, that is Mr. Barnum on the Devil card. The Majors-only deck had a completely different Devil card, just FYI, featuring The Feejee Mermaid. I had my reasons. But going forward, this is the better design by far.)

Thank you!



The spacing on the Duchess of Batons lettering was a little tight, too, so I took care of that at the same time. Little changes like these are going to be done right up to the print date, I suspect, if there is a print date...


I'm sure there will be a print date, and I'm glad I was able to help you out.



I very much enjoyed the minors, and I think I even commented in the notes I make after using each deck for a week I would definitely buy this deck as a 78 card deck if it came out.



I just posted the last "formal reveal" of the final card design, the 7 of pentacles, on the main deck site, http://circustarot.blogspot.com .

Now I'm feeling really sad!

Thanks, all;



Wow, you did such an amazing job creating this richly detailed circus world! Gorgeous deck, I too hope it gets printed, I would certainly love one.


Wow! Gorgeous - beautiful - amazing; all I can say is another wow! :thumbsup:


Just a question on the cards Freder, are you having the matte pearly finish to the cards, this would suit the theme of the cards really well. I don't think l am alone here in not liking the uber glossy look. Whatever you decide though l have still ordered them :laugh:

Edited to add: Looked at your blog and it seems to be gloss, still want them :)


Seeing the full deck made my day! I loved the Major's only version except there weren't enough cards :laugh:. So I rushed off to back the full version.

BTW I like matte cardstock better too. But like Thoughtful I want the deck whatever the cardstock is.