Lunar Eclipse, Feb. 6th


It's supposed to be a new moon in Aquarius on Feb. 6th-7th, as well as a lunar eclipse. I received this in my email and find it rather interesting:

Eclipses are known to be associated with dramatic events in human and earthly affairs. If you have ever seen an eclipse, you know they are quite dramatic! So, in preparation for the solar eclipse on the 6th, plan on something grabbing your attention -- but don’t think too far ahead! What you think is going to happen, often doesn’t.

We use the word ‘eclipse’ to say that one event has been overshadowed by another. Because this eclipse is occurring in Aquarius, your desire to be part of something bigger is stimulated -- whether it's a community issue, or organizations with a cause close to your heart. And, because Neptune conjuncts this eclipse, there is some uncertainty or confusion.

Ordinarily the sign Aquarius is quite logical, but with this spiritual planet’s influence, you’ll get more out of opening up to your less analytical sensibility. In addition, as this eclipse is occurring at the north node, you’ll be prompted to let go of the past and invest in your future.

My north node is in Aquarius, so it looks like a direct hit! *ducks* :surprise:

We'll see how it goes...

HERE is a new moon ritual that you can try out.



lol i'm an aquarian moon - very interesting stuff to ponder on there!


It's actually a SOLAR eclipse on 2/6, also called a New Moon (Sun conjunct Moon at 17 degrees Aquarius.)

A lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon (Sun opposite Moon)

But's Mercury retrograde (plus Mercury is near Neptune in the sky) and the writer of your email got confused on the eclipses, lol.


I dont know what to expect with this thing. I have read and read and still make no sense of it. The only real irony is the two eclipse back to back this month and one in August. I am a Leo- I am the oldest, my baby brother, the youngest is an Aquarius, so we are the first and last of a very large family, and we are polar opposites, this year we both have dual eclipses in our signs. I'm sure there is a "remarkable pattern" in it all...I just cant see it...yet. His sign is in my second house and my sign in his second see what Leo and Aquarius are going to be about this year. Maybe there is no significance at all...just my mind desperately trying to connect the dots. The more I read the more confused I get.


AquarianGoddess said:
It's actually a SOLAR eclipse on 2/6, also called a New Moon (Sun conjunct Moon at 17 degrees Aquarius.)
The email heading says "Lunar Eclipse" and the body says Solar Eclipse. :D Which is it? Maybe Merc retro is to blame...LOL.



Yep 20th or 21st here. prob not visible from here? But I will be utalising it to make 'weed peppers' - cutting the lunar fertility off from the weed seed with fire - also a Moon in Leo then (in this system) and a node - tailor made for it.


Since it's Mercury Retrograde, I'll be's eclipse (2/6/08) is a SOLAR eclipse (New Moon).

Feb 20th is the LUNAR eclipse (full moon).

Hope everyone has a fabulous SOLAR eclipse day.