Can the 3 of pentacles be positive for reconciliation


I had a friend ask about a friendship that went pear shaped. She asked if they would talk again and reconcile. What came up in her future and outcome position was the 3 of pentacles and the chariot.
I get a sense of someone working towards trying to make this happen and there being the energy there for it to drive into a new direction. I seem to see motion happening. But which direction - towards reconciliation or something totally new. I guess I should have pulled a clarifier.
What can anyone tell me about these cards in regards to communication and reconciliation?


3 of Pentacles is a bit of a collaboration card, so I'd say it's a good sign in terms of reconciliation, especially combined with the Chariot.


I think you are right in regarding working (driving) toward a reconciliation. I sometimes call the Three of Pentacles the 'working together' card.


Just adding another aspect for The Chariot:
The Chariot sometimes represent a man who's "macho" like.
Old school man, physical, not showing too much emotion.
He's also one of the possible "mythological exes" (there are several cards that can hint this).


That's interesting Shian and something to think about and look at about the mythological exes. Could that then come into it with the 3 of pentacles as working with the ex in some way. I had thought about it as her working out the direction she needs to go in order for a reconciliation to take place. It seems as though the chariot if being the mythological ex and being the macho not so emotional man may have a dominate role in which direction it may go? Also I wonder how it seems almost contradictory in that the chariot represents cancer which is a very watery and emotional sign. Very moody too! Yet protective, so I imagine these barriers that may take skill to work through being in the right direction.

thank you for your replys :)


The 3 of pentacles often come up, for me when there is some work to be done, and when there is work to be done it means both parties have to make the effort, what I really like about this card is there is some sort of stability attached to it, a consistent and steady desire to sort out differences, to make things grow.
The chariot could mean someone is trying to keep a tight control of the situation or wanting to steer the whole thing according to his/her wishes, though.

However the 3 of pentacles sometimes could also mean there is a third person involved.


My interpretation would be that if you work together (group effort of 3 of Pents) then you can move forward again, so communication needs to be clear on both sides in order to work together effectively.

One of my Chariot cards (Twilight Realm) sometimes comes up when there have been opposing energies, and suggest that those that oppose need to find balance if they are to move forward.


She asked if they would talk again and reconcile.

3 of Coins might suggest "being acknowledged by another," validation. But Chariot is more of a "go it alone" card of bold, independent action.

Putting them together, maybe she yearns for that (mutual?) "acknowledgement" and perhaps that will come, but for the interim, she might have to "go it alone" until that happens.

Just guessing of course.


My thought with this combination is that the possibility exists for a reconciliation; however, at the moment your querent is the one thinking harder about the eventuality than her partner is. Via the Three of Pentacles' energy, I would say that your querent is looking up at the "work of art" the relationship could be (but isn't at the moment), but that it will take both of the parties (via the Chariot) to pull together to make it happen. Therefore, I would suspect that work will have to be done to get the other party on board with even trying at or accepting a reconciliation is possible or desired.

I'd agree with TheHighPriestess that there may be some third entity or energy in the middle of the situation that may be pulling the two parties in different directions right now, and this energy will need to be dealt with. (Two people look up at a third--the artisan--in the RWS Three of Pentacles.)