a wisdom reading on the Da'at(h)


a wisdom reading on the daath

this is an wisom reading like racheal pollack said in her book let us apply the question to the tarot. so here we go, i think i will use the rider deck. i wanted to add that i add a 0 position to set the tone for the rest of the reading.

0.what does the daath mean on the soul level
the hermit reversed.

1.is the daath a real sphere
three of wands

2.what is the daath
8 of cups,

3.is the creator connected to the daath

4.is the daath negative,
pages of pentacles, ten of swords reversed.

5.what can benefit us by working with the daath
7 of wands pages of cups, 8 of wands.

6.what should be noted when working with the daath
the emperor

additional questions that came to me after i did this.(using hanson roberts)
when i was shuffling the only card that face up turned out to be the devil ,
which hints at all the devil contains as to why the lovers and the emperor were moved from the daath.

soul teacher, the devil.

0. soul level , does the soul have anything else to add on the daath before we move on. ?
two of rods. reversed.

1. why were the two paths, of lovers and emperors moved from going through the daath. (by the golden dawn)
ten of cups reversed.

2. why does the high priestress go through the daath.
king of cups reversed, and ten of rods.

3. how is the justice, 11=1+1=2 connected to the daath through implication. ?
the sun reversed.

4. should the lovers and emperor be returned to the daath ?
six of cups.

and to offer another view using the celtic cross, and this important question to me ( for if the daath is a real sphere, the void from which the creator creates with,, shouldn't be be a daath sphere, a 0 card for each suit ? for if the daath is real i see it as a 0 sphere eheh )using morgon greer.

should there be a daath card in the minor arcana. (two of wands popped out ,, when i asked that rather forcefully)

two of wands. further clarification going through with the original celtic cross.

the soul postion of this question..
THE FOOL 0, how interesting

the heart of the matter.
knight fo pentacles reversed, four of cups.

opposing, is 7 of pentacles reversed.

the basis
the kngiht fo cups reversed.
the high priestress, ,

recent past,

six of pentacles,

world card,

7 of swords reversed.

the enviroment
ace of swords reversed.

your wish,
three of swords.

the outcome,
ace of pentacles,

so please give insights, be unbias, and read to the cards. :O)
oh yes,, i will add mine in a few days as i was focusing on getting all valid questions that i could think off.


here we go

0.what does the daath mean on the soul level
the hermit reversed.

the daath on the soul level is telling us to focus on the void,, as the void is all around us , everywhere, and that the ideal that we are alone is not true for as we communciate to the source and come close closer to the ideal. we will then realize that all is truly one in one huge life force that is incomprhensible. the hermit reversed is telling us to not focus on the darker lower entities when it coems to the daath is that is misleading,, there is the black area of yin,, and then there is the dark forces of dark light. and so they too have their own dark tree of life,, yet that is not that the true daath. the ideal of the expansions of the universe is that it only goes up which is not true,, it goes in all directions and even down. the means of keeping it harmonzied is where the daath comes in whereas the black void that is in everything is also true of the light that is also there.

1.is the daath a real sphere
three of wands

the harmonizer of the the trinity , the god, holyspirit, the godess/ the male, the female, the innerchild/ the male, the female, the higherself/ the higherself, the inner self, and the darker self/
the source, the void of the source, and the tree.
a spiritual waiting for energies to come back from the two of wands. much is said here. first like they say , it is for us to create is the what the scholars say, however it is for us to realize that it is there and can not be denied. if you look at the spiritual forces enscapuled into the three of wands, the numbers of death, hanged man and the temperance card. tell us that.
the daath can only be realized by first taking a new outlook on the tree of life, accepting the change that is occuring, and by balancing out the yin and yang, of the tree of lie we will see that the daath is a real sphere.

2.what is the daath
8 of cups,
the daath is said to be an illusion, which is the real question is the cups floating there for us all to see really there or just an illusion of possiblities in front of us?
the number of 8 is strength in the rider syste, connects to the numbers of 17, 18, 19 becomes emotioanl star, moon, and sun.
the deeper issue here is there hope and compassion possible for the daath, and when we look at all possiblities what is the true decption, that it doesn't exist or that it does, and what is the true truth. i feel here that only by walking the path of the sea creature and walk it, will we only truly understand the daath. remember the wolf and the dog are hidden aspects. and finally the sun is also in the daath on the emotional level. which means by focusing on the emotional power of the void of the daath we can therefore use our hope and compassion to go inwards and face our own self delusions and lies and come back out to face the sun once again. notice on the cups in front of us all we need to do is summon the inner strength to grab one so we can go on the wish card. however we need first the inner stenght to grab a card.
AND HOLY COW, i just realized while i was doing all this typing that my brain kicked in and saw it is the 8 of cups the walking away card and now the the 7 of cups card. ,, but in my mind i was seeing the 7 of cups. strange.
all this being said . we now realize that in the 8 of cups we must leave that which is emotinally dead and move on to the to the one sphere once again and move back into the tree. we can only stay at the area of emotional deadness for so long. it isn't so bad,, once we decide to leave and move on.

3.is the creator connected to the daath
i would call this a big yes to the third question, the sun is a light which to guide us.. so in the daath the creator is also there, unrealized, potential for us all to use as the individual creator within us see fit. the sun becomes ..( 19, = 8, 9, 10) so here we also see the major arcana cards of strength, hermit and wheel of fortune.
the creator uses the daath to focus our stenghts by letting us focus on who we are in the hermit card , and we go inward to face our inner self, and our inner fears, and we realize that we are never alone,, and that the angels are around us. and then we move on to the next card in the wheel of fortune and we realize that we can only give our luck so much to the creator and we will must take responsibly for our lives and turn the wheel of fortune and react and act on how the wheel of fortune spins forever the wheel spins when it lands, we can accept our fates or take what is given to us and follow our individual goals.

4.is the daath negative,
pages of pentacles, ten of swords reversed.
using my beginning elemental analysis of the page of pentacles in my minor arcana thread, and going by the golden dawn placement of the page at the 10 sphere, we can quicly deduce the following.
the page and the daath is about the earth child becoming one with his surroundings, and coming into manifestion the next card which is the ten of swords. thus the ten of swords reversed, what does that mean ? to me it means the death of the ego,, however it is reversed so we are not letting our egos die. that is when spirits get earth bound, and get tied to places, and people and thins, and only when they are able to let go of their ego ties and fully awake to the light can they walk forth from this earth plane. ah i see, the earth child who is too attached to his surroundings, by mental means for him the daath is negative for the person percieves his own personal hell and starts to live it when he passes over due to his ego ties.

5.what can benefit us by working with the daath
7 of wands pages of cups, 8 of wands.
when working with the daath we must first look at all the benefits otherwise why work with it. ?
the 7 of wands suggest a spiritual defense enabling us to hold our own, the earth child who is emotioanlly connected. and the 8 of wands spiritual action on the highest level where it pertains to speed. . by working with the daath we can see that it enables us to bring spiritual speed, and defense as we come close to the phyiscal manfestiaon of our emotional growth.
i also see aspects of soul retrievals here, for it is the earth bound (grounded ) who thus grounded can travel into the waters and abyss in order to gain knowledge and in the case of soul retrievals regain the parts of us that we lost.

6.what should be noted when working with the daath
the emperor
we must approach the daath from logic, otherwise we shall become the reversed emperor and illogical. that is the true clue to appraoching the daath. groundness and logic, and hope ortherwise we can become illrational, and lost.
the emperor here brings to us to help with the logical dealing of the ego where it pertains to the daath, death, temperance and the devil.
logicaly we must let nature and the laws of the univese take their course, and by going with the flow of such endevours we can therefore balance ourselves following the flow of yin and yang, and be strong enought to face our own demons that are shown in the devil card as the daath quickly shows there is no real devil but the unmanfiested creator which hasn't yet been given the spark,, and so we can prepare to face our fears, and our own depths of being with a new light, and new focus, and new oneness.


continueing on,

additional questions that came to me after i did this.(using hanson roberts)
when i was shuffling the only card that face up turned out to be the devil ,
which hints at all the devil contains as to why the lovers and the emperor were moved from the daath.

soul teacher, the devil.
the devil card, fear untold that lives in each of us. are we ready to deal with our fears from many past lives, from moving forward..
from connecting to our true selves ?
the man with the pitch fork doens't exist,, but our fears do,, and the reason why we act in the fight, flee, or die response.
it is the reason why we hurt each other, i fear they will take my house, fear not having more. but then again,, the true fear is facing ourself, and all the bondages that lie within.
thus it is also connected to all aspects of the bondage of ego, such as power, anger, for as yoda says, "evverrythin, fears leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to the dark side. "

0. soul level , does the soul have anything else to add on the daath before we move on. ?
two of rods. reversed.
the soul wishes to be addressed the reversal of the two of wands rods, , it is the block from the creator that we take on before we came here to earth. the membrane of earth that makes our soul core that is embedded in our bodies forget who we are. and we willingly take on the ego in order for us to move further on to become brighter lights.

1. why were the two paths, of lovers and emperors moved from going through the daath. (by the golden dawn)
ten of cups reversed.

the perfection of the emotional world of desires and wishes couldn't be furfilled as long as the choice of love and the logic of the world were connected to the daath. thus the message the golden dawn were trying to give was we can furfill our emotioanl desires in all things, yet in truth we can furfill our emotioanl goals of the soul until we incorpate the daath into the paths of the loves and the emperor for they have much to do with the emotional flow. the first one the lovers is about following our hearts, it isn't about denying the lower self exist. and the logic of the emperor of the higher mind will be blocked into we deal with the lower levels of the ego and all its trappings.

2. why does the high priestress go through the daath.
king of cups reversed, and ten of rods.
the mental self going through the emotional world reversed, is blocked, the beginning of facing our emotional selves is blocked unless the highpriestress goes through the daath and realizes the spiritual burdens of the coming to earth. these spiritual burdens are the karmic ties to past lives, the hidden reasons as to why we do the things we do , and the desire to find out.

3. how is the justice, 11=1+1=2 connected to the daath through implication. ?
the sun reversed.
the daath is connected to the daath through a blockage of the creator energies. unless we realize the conquences of our actions ourselves and see our lives as the creator that we have made. we will lose our connection to the source, to the light that guides us as we see a lesser light to fearful to look at the brighter light that is higher. also when we do not take responsbility for our actions we begin to project those desires of judgment onto the creator, oh he judges me,, even i do this every day every minute, the old christiain teachings of judgment. justice when projected outward, onto to the source who doesn't judge as it just is, we lose sight of the source and follow a lesser god. who doens't exist.

4. should the lovers and emperor be returned to the daath ?
six of cups.

it is a matter of emotioanal choice that is given to us. when we are ready as a mass people we shall be prepared to deal with the daath and make the choice. it is an emotioanal choice, which we must be emotioanly prepared.
i feel such emoton here.

that is all i can offer today lost my energy after this card. i did it all in one sitting this one and the last post.
tomorrow i hopefully ,, or maybe even tonight who knows i hope to get to the minor arcana question that still remians.


I realise that you have also provided interpretations for your spread, but thought I would also add my comments to the cards in the context of the reading without the benefit of your comments. I may therefore repeat what has already been said ;).
  • What does Da'at mean:
    IX - Hermit reversed
The light of the lamp is obscured, you are here on your own. If the knowledge of your own inner self is not sufficiently clear, darkness will pervade. Heed the warning!!!
  • What is Da'at?
    eight of Cups
Fascinating card to emerge, for upon the upward journey, this is the eighth sphere which one needs to enter. Yet it must also be remembered that this is not an emanation of the Ain Sof - delusions are abundantly possible.

The eight of cups I personally often link with this combination of abundance and the emotive life. Here, in terms of answering what Da'at is, it may very well point that Knowledge is very much contained within the various astral organs one builds with time, and is thus not the end of the journey: one may lose oneself within these organs of apparent understanding.
  • Is the creator connected to Da'at?
    XVIIII - the Sun
I'm not sure what the question was actually asking - I suppose that, from one perspective, as exemplified by the card, the creator aspect is connected with the fervent Light of the Sun, which, of necessity, includes and yet transcends Knowledge.

As Gnosis, it can be bestowed upon all.
  • Is Da'at negative?
    Page of Coins/Ten swords reversed
In this case, the reversed ten of swords may very well show that knowledge (or intellect), on its own, may very well have clear negative potential aspects. The page of Coins shows that any seeds being brought need to be permitted to germinate and thus metamorphosise - become, in this case, greater than knowledge.
  • What can benefit us by working with Da'at?
    Seven Wands/Pages of Cups/Eight Wands
The seven and eight of wands 'wing' either side of the Page of Cups, which to me seems central. It also clearly links, in my opinion, this part with the eight of Cups previously mentioned. As this is already a long post, I'll just briefly mention that here the message may very well be that Da'at may bring forth one's abundance of Will activity in line with divine inspiration, if allowed to flow through one.
  • What should be noted when working with Da'at?
    IIII - the Emperor
Clarity and control of one's thoughts!