Hanged Man Year-Card Spread


My year card for this year is the Hanged Man, and at the beginning of the year I tried to focus on all the good things the Hanged Man has to offer – an opportunity for spiritual introspection, a chance to gain a new perspective… but really, the year so far has been nine months of procrastination, lack of motivation and stale, stagnant energy. But, I still have three months to turn things around and make the most of my Hanged Man year, so I thought I’d make a little spread to help me focus on what I need to do to pull myself out of this rut:


1. The Tau Cross – What are you bound to? What is keeping you in this stagnant situation?
2. Suspension – A goal, something you wish to achieve but are being held back from
3. The Ropes – What bad habits, patterns, behaviours etc. do you have to undo to release yourself?
4. A New Perspective – What internal thoughts, beliefs, emotions etc. do you have to change to release yourself?
5. Balance – How will these external and internal changes work together to lead you to your goal?
6. Freedom – Outcome; where will your release take you?

Any feedback is most welcome! Hope you find it useful - you could use this spread for any stagnant situation, not just when the Hanged Man appears as your year card :)


I like it very much, i will post on my blog with your credits.

Very nice :)


Thank you, go right ahead! Glad you like it :)