Tower as Timing


If you asked when a certain event would happen and you received the Tower, how would you interpret this?

I see it as first - when you least expect it or secondly - it's imminent. However, it could also be literal ie during a thunder storm or a bomb blast.

So how would you read it? I'm not sure if Crowley assigned times and dates to the cards...


I think the Tower moment as an air or atmosphere about it.
The calm before the storm is one feeling that the Tower moment is about ...
I think you're right about it coming like a bolt from the blue - its quick and its an accurate strike ... like a static build-up
Its when you least expect it ...It finds you ...
It can literally relate to electricity problems or malfunctions
I see it as a seven number vibration - 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 months...
or in a reading - when the Tower stops showing up and goes what I cal 'underground')t is not coming up in readings, then its around and brewing ..

Hope that helps a bit.

Blessings Elven x


The tower as timming could be seeing that the event may not happen. This is the way I see it, since in the past i asked a similar question and the tower came up, the event/situation never took place.

The crowned one

I would think when you least expect it or like a thief in the night.

Just read the other's posts word for word Elven and I agree.


Tower suggests something that happens fast, suddenly and out of the blue.