Draconic Astrology


Hi forum!

I was wondering if anyone here is into Draco charts/astrology???

Im really fascinated to understand who iam at a soul level and understand why i attract the people I attract and how its supposed to help me evolve at a soul level. Ive been reading and reading and drawing up comparison charts to see the connections between natal vs draco. Its fascinating but im a little confused because as i understand it, the signs in draco charts, are about their essence and not about their characteristics. im so familiar with my natal signs that my draco signs kinda have me scratching my head lol

In Draco astrology im saturn ruled. It actually makes alot of sense to me, because i attract alot of capricorn females. I always thought it was my juno in capricorn or since i have taurus on my asc that attracted capricorn females; and they have turned out to be my most fun and long term friendships. They really really love me and i in turn like them enough. We get on extremly well. Im my most patient and understanding with Saturn ruled people; especially females. I have not made up my mind on capricorn men. Some of them are too stuffy and full of themselves lol


It seems that we've not got any other Draconian Astrology users, which is a shame. I don't use it myself but it is always good to have several views, especially in relation to a specific case.

For others, as I understand it the Draconian Zodiac uses the North Node as it's origin - the zero Aries point. The approach draws on the view that the North Node gives an indication of our karmic destiny and the South Node gives an indication of our karmic past. The latter view is derived from traditional Hindu beliefs.

I must admit that I'm also a little confused about the sign meaning attributions. I don't see the slightest difficulty with having a different origin for a chart - that's one of the earliest features of Astrology. The Ascendant wasn't the only origin used, one obvious example is the use of a system that has the origin at the Lot of Fortune. The main difference of this type of approach from the Draconian system is that the houses of the planets and the nodes change. It's the house system that is different. The planets remain in their original signs and the signs have their normal meaning.

Draconian seems to redefine the signs. So instead of beginning at the March equinox, Aries begins at the point of the North Node, but the house system does not change. So a planet is in the same house but in a different sign and the sign is interpreted differently.

If it was simply the difference between the traditional signs and a new interpretation, I'd go with the traditional signs and write off the Draconian system as bad Astrology. However the reinterpretation of signs has been done before. Claudius Ptolemy did it by redefining 0 Aries as the Vernal Equinox rather than a constellation based point. Alan Leo redefined the meaning of signs in terms of character profiles and these meanings have changed a little with the focus on Jungian psychology. So the precedents have been set.

Whilst I have no problem in principle with shifting the origin of the chart, there's a practical problem with doing that with the North Node. It moves so slowly (taking approximately 18 years to circle the tropical zodiac, that everyone born within an 18 day period (approx) would have exactly the same 'Ascendant' (though the planetary positions, especially the Moon would be different).

So I can see why redefining the signs and keeping the same houses has an attraction. I can also see a problem with that. Using a zodiac that shifts so quickly (compared to the tropical and sidereal zodiacs) makes predictions difficult - using a forecast for age 29 involves not only planetary movements but also a separate change in the sign reference point. So the first Saturn return may well occur in a different house (as it does now) but also in a different sign, or it takes 18 years and not 29, or we have to adjust the forecast for precession of the nodes. Now Dave already does this for the equinoxes, so I'm not saying it can't be done but what I am saying is that with such a speedy change in the zodiac, exactly how do we deal with this event. Indeed how do we deal with basic transits at the age of 29. The sign of the transiting planet is different from the sign of the natal sign, or the transit occurs at a significantly different point in space than it would do using the tropical or sidereal zodiac.

I suppose that the answer is that we don't use if for forecasts in that sense. What we have is a chart relating to 'soul purpose' and that stands alone and for all time. We can thus compare transits and return charts, progressions and Directions to that soul purpose. Oc course this requires that the soul's purpose is fixed at birth and doesn't vary over a lifetime. Now that raises all sorts of philosophical and theosophical questions.


Thank you for replying!

Your response was very detailed and i think im a bit more confused... So much details to tke in, it takes a while to absorb.

I do agree that the change with the north node is abit problematic, and it causes alot of confusion. I agree that the draco system is very difficult to understand and sift through... I have not ventured out at looking at current transits on a draco chart, because i agree that it makes things way too complicated and theyre are better useful charts to interpret and come to the same conclusion... but i have more been into looking at subtle aspects within the chart to understand what the underlying connections are. And why perhaps certain people or situations i attract or iam attracted to. I havent been able to be completely satisfied with the answers in my natal chart, thats why i turned to draco astrology.... Altho, at this point its a bit frustrating, because too many things have changed in my chart but somehow also make sense. Having the double whammy saturn influence in my draco chart explains alot. Im starting to understand myself a bit better and why i like or attract certain things. I think im the only one in my family who is attrcted to the old world and esotoric arts, where as my family is all bout pushing forward to new wonders. And im the one who wants to back peddle. Is so strange to me.

I think draco astrology has some strengths but its not a perfect system. I agree it may not be the best chart for predictions as some astrology sites suggest, or atleast you have to be a really good expert - but after looking into it a bit more, i think it can help understand why someone is the way they are when they are alone or in a more private intimate one on one relationship/connection.


I don't want to be too negative here. It might well be possible to play with the Draconian interpretation and use if for a second or third opinion. There's nothing wrong with that.

I tend to shy away from karmic and past life Astrology for one reason. It's not that I don't believe in life after death and reincarnation. My wife is psychic and at her best can match any medium I've come across, though she can't do it to order, so to speak. I've seen too many cases to seek more proof. But the stumbling block to me is validation. My wife, and several quite prominent mediums I know will always provide some information that is verifiable, a hard fact that says 'Yes this is true.' They are very careful about claiming past lives for certain. The Astrological approach using the nodes leaves me asking, where's the validation. How can I be certain or at least very sure about this. It tends instead to be quite vague or at least something for which there's no direct evidence.

I exempt from that any good medium who uses Astrology as a support tool, they can provide that evidence. But I'm not that psychic. I can pick up vibrations from buildings or areas of land, sometimes with chilling verfication but I can't see it in a chart.