A spread for creative block?


I'd like to try to use my deck to figure out how to get past this nasty block that's plagued me all year. I'm sure it's due to a bunch of negativity and stress, but I really need to fight past it as it only tacks on to the issues. Does anyone have any ideas? :(


Maybe you could try a spread like this.

Or if you are looking for something specifically for writer's block or an artistic block, there are several spreads here.



I did you one up

I thought it would be fun to make a spread up for your problem. It seems you already know the main issues holding you back (negativity and stress) so I worked them in. I'll call it "the creative eye spread" (7)


1. What is pulling you into negativity?
2. Where might you draw from to have a more positive attitude?
3. Why do you feel stressed?
4. How you might be able to achieve calm
5. What might still be holding you back
6. Where you may find your creativity
7. This is the eye: Your inspiration to start anew

I'm seeing the top row as related , the bottom row as related, and of course 1-2, 3-4, 5-6
You might also look at the eye in relation to both top and bottom rows for more help.

Let me know if you try it!


It seems it was not completely negativity nor stress but apathy perhaps that was causing the block. Otherwise why post a question then leave the post hanging with two very good and potentially helpful replies?