Help with dream interpretation spread.


I've been dreaming A LOT lately, and remembering them clearly. However, I have trouble determining what some are trying to tell me. I realize that some dreams are purely for entertainment while I sleep (this is true for me) some really are trying to tell me about something and I would like to know of a spread that could be used to help clarify the confusing ones. Any ideas?


Don't forget you can post your dreams in the Divination section of the forum if you want others interpretations and also you can make your own spreads up with specific positions and freehand it Violetdaisy. But outside of those two ideas, for your own tarot dream analysis, the dream section of the forum index is on this page scroll down to "Dreams" on the page.

Here is a few short spreads from that page...

3 card dream interpretation spread

4 card dream decoding spread
5 card simple dream spread

There is also some much larger spreads on that page



I think I came up with's a work in progress.

2 ... 4 ... 5

1. What aspect of myself does the dream pertain to? (I assigned suits and majors different things)

2. What aspect of my life does the dream pertain to (friends, family, job/co-workers, growth and development, conflicts - again assigned suits and majors to what seems appropriate)?

3. What am I missing from the message?

4. What can I take away from the dream (the lesson)?

5. How can I apply what I know now to my life?