Chart Reading: Step #1, Martha Stewart.


Chart Reading, Step #1. Martha Stewart.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS; Chart shape, element/quality and hemisphere balance.
Everyone is invited to download this chart from Lois Rodden's or to calculate the chart manually or using their computer software. Martha was born Aug. 3, 1941 at 1:33 pm EDT in Jersey City, NJ, USA (Long 074W04-41, Lat. 40N43-41.
Comments and sharing will be taken for this coming week. Any questions can be asked relative to this Step #1 topics and may be answered by others on the list or by Minderwiz and Dadsnook2000. Isthmus nekoi has been invited to join the two of us in hosting this exploration. Dave.


Do you want people to start? I am not sure whether you guys are going to be doing this and asking us to comment or whether you want us all to have a go and you comment.

So if this post is not appropriate, please delete it. I am not sensitive this week :joke: :laugh: :). I enjoyed doing this exercise and learned quite a bit.

The Chart seems to be a bucket shape with the Moon at the apex or handle. It seems that the Moon has been a big influence in Martha Stewart’s life. Lots of feeling stuff there, lots of concern around mother perhaps. Moon issues would have had a great effect but that should be qualified by a whole lot of other things.

The chart has Neptune and Venus in the 4th quadrant - beauty and dreams as a vocation?, Sun. Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn in the 3rd quadrant, signifying an awful lot of energy around just "being" in the world. perhaps really appropriate for a public fgure. Mars in the 2nd quadrant signifies a huge amount of "drive" to achieve. Moon in the 1st quadrant signifies spiritual awarenes and some fragility in intrapersonal issues. So the bias is towards the 2nd quadrant, although the 4th and the 2nd are relatively well balanced. Here you begin to understand why Martha Stewart became such a public personality

But the Southern hemisphere Houses, the private houses (foundations and personal concerns), are far more heavily populated than the Northern hemisphere houses which deal with public issues or worldly concerns. The Eastern hemisphere houses (self and individual interests) have only three planets, while the Western hemisphere (other oriented) has 7 planets). I am a little uncertain as to the what this means for a public personality like Martha Stewart (what is she famous for – is it handy woman things?). She seems like a woman who would guard her personal life but still have a very active connection to the outside world.

She has four each of Fire and Earth signs and one each of Water and Air. So she has potentially a lot of energy but also the capacity to remain grounded and practical. Her life (prana) energy and feeling energy is relatively low just in terms of elemental energies. I am already beginning to see some contradictions here with other things in the chart. She has an equal balance of fixed and mutable signs (four), which could mean that she is pretty stable but can be flexible when she needs to be. She is low on cardinal (2) which means that ordinarily she would not have been an initiator.


The majority of planets are in the Southern hemisphere – indicating a person with a wide range of interests. An independent person, somewhat proud and pretty lucky too.
One that desires leadership and interestingly enough one whose many interests are geared towards gaining recognition.
I think the chart shape is the bucket type, but with two handles. The two handles being the Moon in Sag. in the second house and a strong Mars in Aries in the sixth. I think these two placements show that possessions and money are very important to her, and that she isn’t averse to hard work.
Fire and Earth seem to be on an equal footing in chart.
Fire would show her passion and enthusiasm. Being able to “burn” with excitement. Impulsiveness. Noisy? (Could that be the Leo in her?) The extrovert?
But then the practicalities and cautions of Earth could very well “damp” down Fire’s voracious appetite for life. (Will get on a deeper level later I’m sure.)
Not much in the way of Air. I would have thought she would be very much a communicator, so don’t understand that.
Maybe small amount of Water shows non-sensitive, non-emotional kind of person?
Maybe a bit of a “cool” kooky?


"A bucket with two handles?" I hear you say. It could show M.Stewart being set apart from the norm.

I realise the Moon isn't a planet, so would Mars be just the one handle?

Dadsnook, will you be telling us when to go on to 3B)Sun, Sign and House 3C) 3D) and so on?



Well glad to see that people have already jumped in - don't worry Moongold it's OK.

Martha Stewart is someone I'm not familiar with (she's not famous in the UK). So my thoughts come directly from her chart.

I tend to start from the element balance and this begs the question of planetary weighting in the rough calculation. I count '2' each for the Sun and Moon and one each for the rest. I also 'split' the points if a planet is in the final degree of a sign. I have experimented with leaving Uranus, Neptune and Pluto out of this calculation because they move so slowly but I now keep them in. There's also a case for giving additional emphasis to the chart ruler and the Sun's ruler, if you want to.

On my simple count I have 6 fire, and 1 Water. There's clearly strong assertive drives here, with the strong Fire showing, someone who may well be impulsive, has to be on the go doing things, ooptimistic and dynamic, but can overdo things and risks burn out. The lack of Water suggests that she might not trust her emotions or people who act from emotions or feelings - that is not to say there is no sympathy or empathy but that these are difficult to fit into an approach to life.

This element balance may be deleterious to health if the Fire drive is given its head - strong Water placements can indicate that the body can more easily cope with toxins. The drive to work can lead to health being ignored and if the body cannot get rid of the build up of toxins then there will be trouble. Strong exercise needs to be built into daily life to offset this tendency.

The house placements reinforce the element balance, most points in the Houses of Life and few points in the Houses of endings or soul. She has a Scorpio Ascendant (though the MC strengthens Fire) so things may not be quite as bad as with only one Water placement. Indeed with the Ascendant taken into consideration, Air becomes the weakest element - not nescessarily strong on ideas or relationships (though see the comment on the chart shape below). Perhaps a distrust of intellectuals, an inability to stand back and evaluate. The relative weakness of Water and Air will be one of the issues running through the analysis. Does the Scorpio Ascendant more than compensate for the weakness of Water or do we go by planets alone?

The modal placements are mainly Fixed for the planets and both Ascendant and MC are in Fixed signs. this person has the staying power to see things through. The drive from the Fire signs will usually result in success because of this staying power. There is also reasonable Mutable placements - she can adapt and change in order to see things through - but strangely enough she's a little below average as an initiator on placements alone.

Traditionally Mars rules the chart and she was also born during a Mars hour - What is more Mars is in the Aries, the sign of its rulership. Again drive, assertion and agression are strong. The Scorpio Ascendant gives a tenacity and finality to the drive whereas Aries would be more explosive but not quite as deadly in the long term.

Three planets stand out - Mars, as mentioned, the Sun in its own sign of Leo and conjunct the MC and the Moon which disposits everything else but Sun, Mars and Pluto. More about the Moon later.

Of the Planets only the Moon and Mars are below the horizon. This is a strongly Southern hemisphere balance with the Sun at its zenith. The southern hemisphere is the more outgoing extrovert side to the chart - this is an outgoing public person, who will gain their identity through interacting strongly with others. The balance to the West (7 out of 10) suggests someone whose is more relationship oriented than self oriented - she may well seek validation for views and ideas in sharing them with others rather than drawing them from within herself.

Chart shapes are always something of a subjective decision as we are trying to impose patterns on spreads. I would probably go for a bucket here, with the Moon as its handle. Given the importance of the Moon as a dispositor, and its position in the second - concerned with the material world, money, own finances, etc - the drives identified above are likely to have a strong flavour of meeting material needs (though obviously not simply this alone). The second house and the Moon may therefore be pivotal to the interpretation.


Just a quick PS.

I've treated the Sun as being Angular because its conjunct (within 8 degrees of the MC). My Astrology prog insists that it cannot be Angular unless its within 5 degrees.

Therefore another issue that will come out is whether we treat the Sun as being Angular and conjunct the MC. Treating it as Angular will strengthen its position in the interpretation.

I'll be very interested in Dave's comments on that one - some Astrologers tend to be very generous with solar and lunar conjunctions, others more demanding.


Not much in the way of Air. Could this show that her success is based on her earthy practicalities, such as learning from experience, rather than using intellect?

Not much in the way of Water. Difficulty in expressing their feelings?

It’s funny that M.S should be interested in the food-line. There are people who find it easier to express their love through food. You know, getting great pleasure in cooking a meal for someone to compensate for not being able to say, “I love you.”


gloria said:
It’s funny that M.S should be interested in the food-line. There are people who find it easier to express their love through food. You know, getting great pleasure in cooking a meal for someone to compensate for not being able to say, “I love you.”

Hey Gloria,

Have you seen Babette's Feast ? Some people do say I love you by cooking meals and sharing them :)


A great start

Hello All.
It's early Sunday morning for me. I'm going off to a Wood Carving Club meeting for the day but I just wanted to express my delight at the response and thoughts that so many of you are contributing. I'll be able to review all of this later this evening and make my replies then. Dave.


On initial impressions - and first impressions are not always right - she seems to get her success because of a strong, assertive drive (possibly to satisfy the second house Moon) which she is fully able to sustain.

Her Earth is about average - but it does show that she has the necessary practicality to underpin her drive and energy.

It's quite possible that she finds it difficult to say 'I love you' but she's more likely to amass a quantity of cakes and other goodies and shower you with them LOL