Clairaudience and divination


audelia: so, we have something in common! I so agree that's its far easier to interpret song lyrics than a symbol. I know it is for me. yes, it is a blessing, so true. funny thing is it seems at times mine comes through when I am the LEAST relaxed. in times of stress. perhaps that is when one would need it the most......


I hear myself talking but effortlessly and just listen to what I have to say . . . Sounds insane I know Jajajaja !


Hi all:

I decided to participate in this thread seems so interesting. Long ago I could see shadows of spirits and feel them, but It has not happened in years now. I do not think is because of me but like somebody says maybe is one of those things that will come back again when I am relax or more open to it. Anyhow, I want to share this story with you guys, the apartment where I currently live there is a gentleman who passed several years ago before I even moved, saw him once and have not see him lately, but I asked a friend of mind who is gifted and she told me that he is still around. He has not crossed to the other side even though tried to help him.

My grandmother was a clairaudience/clairvoyance she used to see my aunt who passed away when she was 22, and my uncle who was a doctor. Let me share this other story, my grandmother who by the way she passed away 8 years ago was taking a treatment for a pain that the doctors never could determine the reason. However, one night while she was laying on bed she call upon my dear uncle who passed away 40 years ago, and she asked him if the medications she was taking was the right ones. Guess what the dear uncle told her, that she needed to stop taking the medications that the doctors gave her because that was killing her. He went on saying that the unique medication that she needed was the heart medication. She stopped immediately all the other medications and only kept the heart one. She felt much better after that, at first I did not believe her but knowing her gift. I went on with her decision, and she used to see my roomate walking out of my room toward the living room, she was frightened lol, she used to say "I do not go to your room because there is that man". Honestly, I think he is a good roomate he does not bother me at all lol


Halloween: LOL , sometimes we all do that!

cacia: wow, that was one interesting story! thank you for posting that; I loved reading it!


Halloween: LOL , sometimes we all do that!

cacia: wow, that was one interesting story! thank you for posting that; I loved reading it!

Your welcome dear anytime, yes I tell people that I have a roommate but he does help with rent lol. They say you should making move lol, and when I tell them he is not from this life they get scare lol I laughed and tell them he is a good tenant. He does not use water, does not stay up late and it's quiet at night lol, then they laugh lol. Honestly, I do not if he is still around but I can tell you saw him once that was it.


I had an interesting example of possible clairaudient precognition a couple of weeks back when I received a message from the late great Ringo Starr,


Now, I just know that some of you are going to nit-pick here, and say "But Ringo isn't dead!" - and technically you'd be right - so allow me to take you on a magical mystery tour. The scenario was this; three friends and myself went to stay for a weekend at Holdsworth House, a Jacobean manor built in 1633 which is now a hotel. Upon our arrival the two males amongst us were unpacking the luggage from the car while the girls stood behind helpfully supervising operations. As I leant into the car to get the last bag my male friend sang "Back off boogaloo" and I turned round saying "God, I haven't heard that in years!" He looked at me blankly, "You haven't heard what in years?" came his reply. "What you just sang - Back off boogaloo" I said. It was at this point that I became aware that I was getting some rather odd looks, "Nobody sang anything" one of the girls ventured, and there then followed one of those "But you must have heard it!" exchanges which resulted in the conclusion that nobody else had heard anything. The car park, although packed full of cars, was devoid of any other living souls, and a cursory examination of the cars around us revealed that there was certainly no car radio playing anywhere. Since my friends were now becoming slightly irritated by my behaviour, I decided to forget it and we entered the hotel to book into our rooms. Whilst the girls were engaged in complex discussions about feather pillows with the receptionist, my friend and I drifted off to look at the large notice-board which contained a potted history of the hotel's highlights. The large centre-piece featured shots of the filming of the BBC series 'Last Tango In Halifax' at the hotel the previous year, and I was perusing an article from the 1950s when the place was last owned as a private residence, when my friend suddenly burst out laughing, said "Oh wow - Ringo!" and pointed at the following piece on the wall,


It turned out the Fab Four had stayed at Holdsworth House in 1964, and you can read about it here; What is especially interesting is that the house wasn't even a hotel back then, it was a country club with no bedrooms, which to me made it even more remarkable that I should have heard a Ringo Starr song just before entering the building where he'd stayed fifty years earlier. Anyway, in the hustle and bustle of un-packing and then having dinner the whole thing was forgotten until after coffee, when one of the girls piped up with "Interesting that you heard a Ringo song, because he's the only one that's definitely still alive". What she was referring to here is the 'Paul Is Dead' conspiracy theory, which means that the mortal status of James Paul McCartney is subject to debate - and since we know that John and George are definitely no longer with us, then Ringo is indeed "...the only one that's definitely still alive".

However, after a little more discussion, I suddenly remembered that there was another dead rock star to factor into the equation, and I blurted out "Marc Bolan wrote the song!" After a little googling, it turned out that my memory was slightly defective. Ringo has always said that Bolan was the inspiration for the song, particularly his catch-phrase 'Boogaloo!' but that he wrote the song with a little help from his friend George Harrison. So there you have it - almost. One final point worth mentioning is that the astrologer/tarot reader/palmist employed by Marc Bolan's wife June was none other than Richard Gardner,

Here then in all it's glory is the 'Boogaloo' video, and I've added a link to the original intro which has Marc and Ringo fluffing their lines in a field (only Ringo's 'Goodbye!' made it into the final promotional film - the term 'music video' hadn't been invented then.) Worth noting that some people believe that Frankenstein appears as an Osiris resonator, because they're both re-assembled/resurrected men.




Claiarudient experiences

I was wondering if anyone would like to share experiences with clairaudience and the use of
any means of divination? I have had experiences myself when reading runes, and other methods of divination , when a voice will come to me, inside my head, and at times outside. specifically, I get songs, lyrics. that are pertinent to what I am reading on. sometimes songs will pop into my head from long ago; songs I have forgotten. I have found songs/lyrics are the main thing that comes to me when reading in any form. I would love to hear anyone elses experience with this!

It's funny because a little over a few years ago, when I had just started getting into developing my own abilities, I wasn't even the least bit Clairaudient. It wasn't until I had made it a religious daily/nightly effort to meditate and work on psychic development that I started to hear things. Jump to today: I am primarily Clairaudient (tied with my Empathic abilities) and cannot yet think of a reading that I have done where I haven't heard a plethora of information Clairaudiently, even though I mainly work through Clairvoyance during my readings; my Empathic and Clairaudient abilities always work with my Clairvoyance regardless.

When I first began hearing things, they were always snippets of songs. I wasn't able to hear sentences or even words at this time yet. I don't remember exactly when in my development I began to hear actual words, and then phrases and sentences, but eventually it began and I was further along my Clairaudient path than I ever expected to be.

One of my biggest Clairaudient occurrences was actually a couple weeks ago. I was doing a reading for a woman asking about her job. I connected to her spirit and got in tune with her energy/vibrations, as I always do in a reading. I Clairvoyantly watched her enter my psychic space (in my mind) with a little brown Chihuahua dog, and then I heard the name "Coco" as clear as day in my head. When I relayed this to her, she affirmed that her ex-boss had a little brown Chihuahua dog named Coco that used to come to work with her. As a Clairaudient, it should come as no surprise that this happened, but it was just one of those personal WOW moments you have about the reality and scope of your own abilities.

Last night at about 1 a.m., I was just in the in-between phase of when you're not yet asleep but you're not exactly awake either. Now, I always hear things upon going to sleep, so that's not at all new to me, but specifically, I heard this group of young toddlers in my head crying – no, not crying: wailing. This went on for a good amount of time, too. Then all of a sudden, I heard an older man (in his mid-late 40's I felt) loudly yell "Stop crying!" at them in my head. Literally immediately after that, I heard someone loudly clap twice from the downstairs of my house. Mind you, EVERYONE is dead asleep in my house at this time... I was so freaked out I couldn't function for a couple seconds. Like I said, I've always heard voices, but never, ever have I heard two (or more) entities interact with each other in my head before; not even in any of my readings.


I just saw this thread and have to jump in. I've been what I now consider clairaudient for a long time. I've been hearing things for years, mostly at night before bed, but not always. And not always when I'm in a relaxed bedtime state, either. There have been many times where my head has *just* hit the pillow and I haven't even turned out the light yet, where I'm hearing things. Mostly it's voices and conversations that don't seem to be directed at me. The best way I can describe it is like when you pick up someone else's conversation on your cell phone. One time I remember very vividly was after I moved to a historic town and, as I was getting into bed, heard a man's voice very distinctly (in my head only) talking about "the farm" and things that needed to be done. Clairaudience is really the only thing I experience apart from occasional premonitory dreams, and from time to time what I think of as "dream meetings" with those who've passed.

For a long time I thought the clairaudience was just normal, so I never talked to anyone about it. Eventually something drove me to bring it up in conversation and I realized that most people don't experience this. I was a little freaked out and so I came to Aeclectic and posted my experiences, and received an exceptionally nice and helpful message from Celticnoodle, who gave me a lot of information. That message is actually what helped me to accept this as actual clairaudience.

Oddly I've never felt like there was an actual message, but I'd love it if there was. I used to have this happen all the time, but since I moved in with my husband, I find it happens almost never, which is unfortunate. If anyone has suggestions on how to find that vibration again I'd be really interested.


I used to get clairaudience cues all the time, but not so much anymore. It seems I'm stronger in my clairvoyant abilities now. However, I remember I was on this site and there was a strange man who was slightly flirty, presumably because he thought my subject about online crushes was about him for whatever odd reason. Needless to say it made me uncomfortable. I believe I was giving him a reading anyway when I pulled the King of Swords and The Wheel of Fortune and a voice came over me saying "The man of fate took him away." The thing is the man had been wheelchair bound / had medical illnesses his entire life, and even after I posted the reading he never returned to give feedback and never posted on the site again. O-O. Often times I will get songs stuck in my head that I haven't heard in a long time but the lyrics pertain to the subject I'm most focused on. So weird how that happens!


I searched out this thread because I would like more info on clairaudience, too.

In the past, I've "heard" a variety of sounds that I can't quite make out, and it's frustrating.

On a couple of occasions, I've had very clear, very loud (and very hostile) messages, but most of the time it's like there's a jumble of voices in the distance and I can't quite hear what they're saying. Other times I've heard words or phrases but I wasn't able to make it out. It's like talking to someone and you hear -- but don't understand -- what they're saying, so you ask them to repeat it (either because the environment is loud or they've mumbled or spoken too quickly, whatever). But when I ask the "voice" to repeat, I get nada.

Recently, I've had two instances where the "voice" seems to really be struggling to make human sounds, so I'll get a sort of gutteral, broken English type of message. I pay especially close attention to those because there's clearly so much effort behind it, but last night I took my newly arrived crystal ball to bed with me, and as I laid there, I said that I wanted to be able to talk to my angel (the one recently revealed in GoddessoftheHunt's scrying), and I heard the most beautiful and melodious voice utter a single word. But I don't know what the word is! Again, I couldn't make it out and wanted a repetition, but no such luck.

Assuming that I'm not just experiencing a late onset schizophrenia (or some other sort of aural hallucination), how do you get more clarification on unclear messages? Obviously, I feel like they're important or the "spirit" wouldn't bother talking to me, so I feel like it's my responsibility to understand. I feel bad when I don't. :(