Occupational indicators

isthmus nekoi

skytwig said:

So here i am at a turning point in my life and am confused as to which direction is the right one..... wiriting, art, healing.... you know?

They are all related, it seems to me. The Jupiter/Neptune relation to the 10th suggests to me that spirituality should play a major role in your vocation no matter what avenue you choose.


Thanks, isthmus, I feel that deeply, it's the actual physical manifestation that befuddles me a bit..... It will be interesting to see how it unfolds....... :)


So my 10th house is empty but is cusped by Libra. Venus is the start of my 8th house stellium and is in Cancer. So maybe I should be an interior decorator? ;) Transforming people's homes into something beautiful and all? I can sort of get a general gist but I have trouble stringing astrological things together. Can anyone lend a hand?

:) K


Belated thank you for the replies to my post. You are completely right- lots of push and pull between outside expectations and being satisfied my very own self. Still, it's frustrating.

isthmus nekoi


It could go in many directions w/an 8th house stellium. But 8th house rules a lot of strange areas - taxes, sex and death are probably the most commonly cited lol. This is why I don't think it's fruitful to pick a vocation by only looking at 10th house and the aspects that relate. You cannot really avoid taking the entire chart into account - how you tick as a person is fundemental to choosing a career that is satisfying, I think. (example: a heavy emphasis on 2nd house and other supporting factors would indicate to me that a career w/a high salary is crucial to the well being of the native)

I'd also check out who Venus is conj to...


Occupation & Saturn

In my chart, my MC is opposed by Saturn, which is returning to my natal position (Saturn return). So, for me, there seemed to be a major issue of my home/family/background (Sat. in 4th house) being a limiting or restricting force on my career.
So, do you think that Saturn is trying to tell me I should work from home? He's in Gemini, which makes sense to me as having a "double life," in a way - my artistic and creative side that loves to travel, at war with my homebody domestic side. But, like the Chariot (my soul/personality card), I need to find a way to harmonize the two different sides of my personality.
I'm working on it...