Temperance and the sign of Sagittarius


Hello all!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your posts...
I think that in this case of Temeperance, it's another proof that you can not learn tarot in any other way than experiencing it...
I've read so many books, but what just came to the surface for me through this thread, is way more valuable...
It so happens, that Temperance, hardly ever shows up for me! (I wonder why...)

The use of astrological factors combined with the tarot, has helped me a lot in understanding the tarot, but NOW after the above insights, i feel that I've learned something else as well!

Temperance, does not represent Sag, but is showing how a Sag can utilize best it's potential...(thanks Moongold!) So, the projection is mutual...

So when i think of temperance now and link it to nature, it's also about something "working" in a natural way... this is where the effortless mastery comes from. When something eventually seems easy to make, just because its flow is so perfect.
Even the Centaur, a hybrid, the "complicated nature" it's still graceful, smart and fast. It combines two worlds.
and as Holmes wrote "temperance is seeing the elements combing as they truly do , and the freedom to work with those changes."
I must say, now I truly see the Sag in temperance...

and as final note summarizing my new learnings-Ros wrote "Strong anger is diluted-tempered-by adding another quality, such as forgiveness."
This takes me to the mixing that can be done in many levels, physical, mental and spiritual...

I now wonder, whether I should change anything in my Temperance card...
I think i'll leave it as is, simply because all these insights can not just be spelled out... it's all the result of experience-everyone's experience, and in the magical that comes out by studying the tarot...


how interesting

isthmus nekoi said:
Oo, good question..... I had to think about this for a bit.

Temperance I've found is a very dynamic card...

I have also seen Temperance linked to Aquarius. Again, this idea of freedom is there...

Well im an Aquarian Sun..with a Sag rising

I never heard of the Temperance being linked to Aquarius so I am not doubting but think its so interesting to say the least..
Ive always considered myself The Star, quiet and secretive thinking the Aquarian influence, and yet other times I find myself very outgoing and the complete opposite, which ive always attributed to the Sag rising, outgoing, freedom and nature loving.
but then im fairly new to both Tarot and Astrology, keeping both an open mind and always learning.