Big Celtic Cross Spread


I found a 25 card Celtic Cross Spread. I printed it out. I have recently lost it. I want to do a couple of readings with this spread. Would love if someone could post a link to this spread. Thanks.


I am interested in this spread as well. I havent seen the 25 card celtic cross spread :)


Wow a 25 card Celtic Cross spread....dang... and I thought the expanded celtic cross spread with 13 cards was a lot. I can't wait to see that one! ^.^
Good luck and Be safe


Is this the one where each card position takes 2 cards instead of one (doubling the number of cards) and then the 3 or 4 cards in the final outcome position?

(It's extra fun to use 2 decks with this as the same card sometimes shows up in different parts of the spread...very meaningful).


Celtic Cross Spread Extended

I apologise for the bad quality of the picture, but I only have a camera phone... It's a 26 card spread, but it's the only one I've got in my books.

Also, I have the cards in a different order to how that book has it, I have 3 at the bottom, 4 to the left, 5 at the top and 6 to the left, as is explained in the Gilded Tarot book; so that is how I will write it out if you don't mind.

1) You: This card represents you in relation to the question.
2) Crossing: This card indicates the conflict.
3) Foundation: The card here will illustrate the basis of the problem or issue.
4) Past: Here you will find significant influences from the past that shape the current problem.
5) Present: The present forces affecting the situation.
6) Future: Here are forces that will affect the outcome.
7) Yourself: This card is your self-image, which may be different to the "you" represented in card one. Self image does not always reflect the inner you.
8) Environment: This is how others see you in this situation.
9) Hopes and Fears: Here is the card illustrating either what you most hope for or most fear.
10) Outcome: This card indicates the probable outcome, if all things remain as they are at the moment of the reading.


That's very interesting. Its just throwing down three cards for each position for extra clarification. I'm going to try this tonight.