Tarot Tracker


Would you like a way to track your tarot readings quickly and easily?


This is a FREE online tool designed to make recording and logging your tarot readings easy, fun, and beneficial! Tarot Tracker does not provide readings or generate random cards. It allows you to be able to keep a visual journal or diary of your readings and track them over time.


Did you create this or is it something you've found useful(guess it could be both). Looks interesting!


You have to sign up and log in to use it, yes ?

(It does appear to be yours, looking through the site.)

I'd rather use one that I didn't have to register for, so that it would be totally anonymous except to me :D


Did you create this or is it something you've found useful(guess it could be both). Looks interesting!

Hi ann823,

This is a Web site I created because it was something I personally needed. I also thought it would be helpful to other Tarotists. So many times I have tried to think back to a reading I have done and can't remember the details. This tool solves that problem. Plus, it gives you the ability to use it from any computer, tablet, or mobile device. You aren't confined to a particular computer or location. I hope you and others find it helpful!

Kind regards,



You have to sign up and log in to use it, yes ?

(It does appear to be yours, looking through the site.)

I'd rather use one that I didn't have to register for, so that it would be totally anonymous except to me :D

Hi gregory,

You do need to sign up and log in to use the tool. Because the Web site keeps track of readings over time, it is impossible to use it without some identity. The Web site needs to know who you are in order to retrieve your readings.

The readings themselves can be set to private and cannot be viewed by anyone at anytime except for you after you have logged into your account.

Moreover, I am the sole programmer and administrator of the site and operate my business with the utmost integrity. I never look at the contents of the database, except in reference to my own readings.

So, in summary, your data on Tarot Tracker is more secure than your credit card and personal information on Amazon.com. I hope this helps to alleviate your concerns. Please let me know if you have any questions.




This can only be used online and not downloaded? For those of us without the greatest connection that could be limiting, sounds interesting otherwise.


This can only be used online and not downloaded? For those of us without the greatest connection that could be limiting, sounds interesting otherwise.
Yes indeed. I would want to store my readings in my own private space - on my machine - and - I already DO that, so...


This can only be used online and not downloaded? For those of us without the greatest connection that could be limiting, sounds interesting otherwise.

Yep, that is correct. It is a Web-based tool and not a program that can be installed on your computer. If you have frequent connection problems, this probably wouldn't be the best solution for you. :)


Thank you for the link, I'm going to check it out. I have a notebook to put readings in, but.....often don't.


Thank you for the link, I'm going to check it out. I have a notebook to put readings in, but.....often don't.

You're welcome. :) That's exactly why I built the tool. I will neglect writing in a journal whereas using an online tool is much easier and useful to me. Plus, if you happen to do readings for others, you can easily print the results for your clients to take with them.