New Timing Method


I've come up with a new timing method because I'm confused about how each card is associated with this season or that astrological sign..

I tried it out with a few things that I knew would happen in X amount of time.

I started with the number 12 because there are 12 months in one year. Anything higher than 12 needs to be reduced.

I then just draw a card. If it's the 8 of Swords or the 8 of Pentacles it doesn't matter because 8 = August.

I also asked the tarot to cross check like in algebraic formulas. I set aside my 8 of Swords and drew three more cards. I added up all the numbers and reduced it. It was 8 again.

I hope this works. If anyone else has tried this method and had successful results let me know.

What other methods do you use?


What if the adding up of the cards hadn't come out to 8? What if it was another number? Would that matter?

It sounds like an interesting method. :) Thank you for sharing it.


This is interesting, how exactly did you reduce? Was it adding together and dividing by the number of cards?


What if the adding up of the cards hadn't come out to 8? What if it was another number? Would that matter?

It sounds like an interesting method. :) Thank you for sharing it.

I just came up with it. I was checking it by putting down three additional cards and adding them up. I suppose if it didn't reduce to the same number as the first card I wouldn't have thought it worked.


This is interesting, how exactly did you reduce? Was it adding together and dividing by the number of cards?

I just added the numbers on the cards.

8 of Swords
Queen of Pentacles 13=1+3=4
2 of cups
Knight of wands 12=1+2=3

So I added 8 + 4 + 2 + 3 =17=1+7=8


I just came up with this method because I really want to know when something will occur. I know it will occur, I just don't know when.

I am going to use this method while reading for other people and see if I get good results.

I was wondering if anyone else did this. I've never read or heard of this method before.

I guess you don't really need to "check" it either.


What other methods do you use?

I tend to use this method, myself.

Normally, I actually stare into space, and say whatever comes into my head, I trust that. But if I draw a blank, I then use that method.