What suit best describes you?


As a person, we all have special qualities, that differ for each and every one of us. I know that everyone has a personallity type,so i i was just curious to see what suit everyone thinks best describes their personallities.The suit that best describes me are the cups/chalices. Look up your meaning below and then post your results! Have a little fun and peek into the looking glass!
1.{wands}= Career,projects,inspiration.
[card suit]Clubs
[card suit]Hearts
3.{Swords}=Challenges,intellect,ways of thinking
[card suits]Spades
4.{Pentacles/Coins}=Money,resources,physical world
[card suits]Diamonds

Now pick one of the suits that best represents you and tell me why this suit represents you ! This should be a lot of fun ! I will go first to show the example.



I feel as though cups is the suit that best represents me. I feel connected to this card and i believe it best describes me as an emotional person. I can be very emotional and always try to see the best in people. The relationship aspect of this suit ,is true as well, as i have had many relationship issues in my past and until recently , have gotten married and have been happy ever since. As far as creativity!! I have a whole bunch of that lol. My husband is always telling me that i am creative and such a great person to learn from as, i am always doing something new or starting some sort of project.Now it is your turn to post the suit that best descries you and why! Have fun

[card suit]Hearts


{Pentacles/Coins}=Money,resources,physical world
[card suits]Diamonds

100 % me.



my emotions are all kinds of inappropriate and whack, so i mostly go by logic in dealing with things. what i value most about myself is intellect. i like to think about things a lot, overthink things like woah sometimes. the volatility \of the suit too is me really, if more internally. hell, even my ability to empathize with someone, which is such an emotional thing, is largely predicated on my more logical assessment of their situation....

so yeah, swords :]


I've always felt most connected to the wands. But to my mind they are about inspiration AND creativity (which you have for cups). I'm an artist who loves nature, and the wood of the wands always reminds me of trees and growing things, in addition to the creative acts of being an artist.


I would have to go with Cuords or Swups - I love learning and research and thinking and honing ideas - but I am a highly emotional person and really ground myself by knowing my own feelings and understanding and interacting with the feelings of the people around me.


I relate easily to all of them. Wands and swords mostly.



nice :) This is a fun little excersize.

Tansey Ella

Wands- for sure.


I'm a kind of cross between Swords and Pentacles - weird I know, because Air and Earth are opposites. My mum's a cross between Wands and Cups, again she's got the opposing Fire/Water combo so it's a little weird.