Celtic Cross doesn't anyone use it?


Now i feel like i should spend the rest of the year getting good at reading the CC, and other big time consuming threads.


<grin> May I point you towards the 42 Card Spread?

<fiendish cackle>

I've used it several times. It works.


I struggled with the CC for about twenty years because I thought it was the only way to go, my main reference being the LWB for my Albano-Waite. Now that I know better, I hate it. A pox on complicated positional spreads! Now I draw one or three cards and let them speak for themselves rather than forcing positional interpretations onto them. }) Try it. You may find it liberating.

My opinion is in spite of the fact that my all time favorite poet, W. B. Yeats, is likely the culprit behind the popularization of the CC.


my all time favorite poet, W. B. Yeats,.....

Gotta say "love your very excellent taste"
I think tried and true
is a help when very new. (Not quite Yeats -more Sesame Street)
and one gets a sense of drama with the CC. Every spread in a particular order helps discipline, memory etc.
So do I use it? Yes in a modified way. I need structure, so I do not deviate into fancy and bias.


MAybe I´m a bit unimaginative but CC has been my number one spread for about 20 years... I usually either pull just one card or do a CC. Some three card spreads are useful,too, but in my book nothing really beats the CC. It is general enough and detailed enough for me. Very useful.


I don't use the CC spread, personally I find it too "muddy". I rarely use more than four or five cards in a reading, and most times cards don't have positional meanings. Not to say that I don't ever use spreads, I do, but much less often than when I started reading.


Gotta say "love your very excellent taste"......
And I love your taste too, except when it comes to tarot spreads (and one or two other tiny issues). Poetry is, after all, more important than tarot. (I hear the rabble shouting: 'Heresy, heresy!') :)


I think I forget about the CC alot.

If I have a specific question in mind I will look up on the forums tarot spreads section and find a suitable spread, or even make my own. The cc has never been a spread I find reassurance with as it seems to offer new insights of the issue but no solutions or steps toward out of sticky situations. But now I have the freedom to rejigg the positions do they offer that empowering action plan feeling too :)


It provided positions that were irrelevant to a lot of questions and issues, and it didn't provide positions to many that were..

This is why I don't use it. I taught a class (informal) about using the tarot a while back, and though I gave them several small spreads to try, most of the folks wanted to use the celtic cross. It has more cards, looks more impressive, and gives lots of information. The problem they experienced was similar to a person trying to learn juggling and beginning with too many balls. They got gobs of information, but much was not relevant to the question they posed. Yet they tried to make it relevant, tried to "fit in" meanings, which just served to further confuse things. I understand some readers like that it is a "traditional" spread and can get useful information from it, but for me personally it's like using an outdated map on a trip rather than a GPS.


And I love your taste too, except when it comes to tarot spreads (and one or two other tiny issues :)

Forsooth! You are picky in your love Mr Heretical. Well Hack and rack the growing green, I sweareth.
Maybe you have not considered that the CC spread is good for looking at someone else's life, and not quite useful for looking at one's own. I think maybe that is the rub. I am reluctant to pick additional cards for greater clarity as that becomes almost a zodiacal spread. I must say it is hard to 'keep it simple' when you are dealing with 10 cards.
As they say there is no 'one way' or even 'best way' of using spreads.
I bet though, if there was TV or Movie that involved a reading, the Celtic Cross would be used. And you can divide it into to two distinct spreads.