Lets talk - FAVOURITE sorrow card - 3 of Swords.


Lets talk - FAVOURITE "Sorrow" card - The 3 of Swords.

These are my favourite "Sorrow" cards. (The 3 of Swords - ref to this card being called "Sorrow" in the Thoth Tarot deck).

1) Omegaland Tarot.
Pretty horrid (and perfect) 3-fold loss here. The disaster/war itself, the friend/comrade on the ground, and the girl in his arms (Omegaland is a "post world disaster" scenario. Society has collapsed, and the cards - are drawings in a survivors sketchbook, complete with a running commentary of what he's seeing. In the LWB.)

2) Gendron Tarot. Always loved this one... parallels with the crucifixion quite speaks to me - encompassing both the sorrows - (your "Father" asks you to do this horrible thing to yourself to make a point, one best friend betrays you to it, and the other denies you) - and the idea of mind over matter/knowing your own mind. The rational mind ruling over emotion (Gethsemane.).
You'd have to - if you're voluntarily walking into crucifixion, or other such martyrdom.

The lady depicts surrender, vulnerability and seeing eye-watering rationale (pierced eye).
It also reminds me of a little girl in primary school - who jumped up to swing on a gate - which had spikes on it. Both hands were impaled - poor sweetheart. And her friends had to pick her off the gate.

Have you guys got some numbers you really like?


While not precisely a 'sorrow' card it's not a card of joy or lightness either but the Six of Swords is one of my faves.

Madrigal, you're off topic. :)
(Start a 6 of Swords thread - My Gendron Tarot has an interesting 6 and 7 of Swords which I "swap" the meanings of because I think the swapped images suit the traditional meanings better. :) ).


Didn't realize you wanted to talk specifically about the 3 of Swords. You might add the word "the" to '3 of Swords' in your title to clarify that. Post deleted.


Didn't realize you wanted to talk specifically about the 3 of Swords. You might add the word "the" to '3 of Swords' in your title to clarify that. Post deleted.

Done. :)


I like the 3 of Swords from my Pearls of Wisdom deck.

The image has the "usual" heart with 3 swords penetrating it, but
there is man kneeling next to it with one hand over his own heart and
one hand on the hilt of one of the swords. It is difficult to say whether
he is plunging the sword in deeper, or if he is trying to remove it.

I like how this card illustrates the way we need to take ownership over
this situation. Whether we are plunging the sword deeper (creating our
own pain or worsening our own situation) or trying to remove the sword
(learning to move on), the answer is in our own hands.


Aaah, yes, the 3 of Swords is one of my favorite cards in any deck with illustrated pips. I enjoy the RWS version, truth be told--I like hearts, I like how the pierced heart suggests religious iconography like our lady of sorrows or, for me, Erzulie Danto.

I like the card that the RWS is based on, from the Sola Busca: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4e/0c/22/4e0c22524af292d0e6b18e0ed9f58c56.jpg

The Wild Unknown does a nice riff on it that I like, despite the lack of heart--it's more of an implied heart: https://shaheenmiroinsights.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/img_28691.jpg

The Aquarian Tarot is very much a RWS deck, but the coloring makes the 3 of swords kind of adorable/almost harmless? http://www.tarot5.cn/photo/tarotphoto/78/three-swords.jpg


I like the 3 of Swords from my Pearls of Wisdom deck.

The image has the "usual" heart with 3 swords penetrating it, but
there is man kneeling next to it with one hand over his own heart and
one hand on the hilt of one of the swords. It is difficult to say whether
he is plunging the sword in deeper, or if he is trying to remove it.

I like how this card illustrates the way we need to take ownership over
this situation. Whether we are plunging the sword deeper (creating our
own pain or worsening our own situation) or trying to remove the sword
(learning to move on), the answer is in our own hands.

How cool! - you've just given me a new interpretation... (one which I am able to fit directly to a recent experience/life observation). The answer is in our own hands - however, we may be unable to see this if we do not "know ourselves" (i.e. understand exactly what makes us "tick" - know why we react in the way we do, according to our unconscious baggage) - and therefore we may drive the sword in deeper (it's my fault! - I'm a no-good monkey OR it's all their fault and it's not fair! - they don't understand!), rather than go "hang on a minute - I don't have to see things like this" - and take the sword out.

Aaah, yes, the 3 of Swords is one of my favorite cards in any deck with illustrated pips. I enjoy the RWS version, truth be told--I like hearts, I like how the pierced heart suggests religious iconography like our lady of sorrows or, for me, Erzulie Danto.

Hmm - indeed... why Erzulie Danto? (I know little of Voodoun) - is it pertaining to the "pain" (or madness) of love, unrequited or otherwise...?

I like the card that the RWS is based on, from the Sola Busca: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4e/0c/22/4e0c22524af292d0e6b18e0ed9f58c56.jpg

...The Aquarian Tarot is very much a RWS deck, but the coloring makes the 3 of swords kind of adorable/almost harmless? http://www.tarot5.cn/photo/tarotphoto/78/three-swords.jpg

That Sola Busca is nice.
And Aquarian is cute! Is the heart floating above graveyard stones?... which reminds me now of someone I know who became depressed after their father's death (he became quite debilitated, got fed-up and gave up looking after himself) and several years later is still struggling with a now "undiagnosed malaise" - unable to let go of the horror and sorrow of having watch him do this.


Hmm - indeed... why Erzulie Danto? (I know little of Voodoun) - is it pertaining to the "pain" (or madness) of love, unrequited or otherwise...?

And Aquarian is cute! Is the heart floating above graveyard stones?... which reminds me now of someone I know who became depressed after their father's death (he became quite debilitated, got fed-up and gave up looking after himself) and several years later is still struggling with a now "undiagnosed malaise" - unable to let go of the horror and sorrow of having watch him do this.

Oh! I've never thought of the Aquarian card as having the heart floating over gravestones, but YES, that's what it looks like! I love it! You've made the card even better for me!

That is a very sad story about your friend, however. I hope they get the help they need...often the illnesses of others live on within our own bodies as pain. Death is hard no matter what, but slow rather than fast has a unique set of complications.

Erzulie Danto--hmm, I like your answer. It's more in depth than I was thinking! Mostly it's that her veve (sigil, calling card, kind of) is a heart with a sword (or two) through it, so I was just thinking about the visual. But for Erzulie in general (Erzulie is Freda as well as Danto, on they are sisters, depending on who you ask), yes, the pain of love, unrequited or even otherwise, is perfect, actually.


This is an image from my Roots of Asia tarot


The card here conjures up many interpretations for me, here are just a few.

They being so lost in grief that they have lost their reasoning, their mind being completely cut off. The Wings shown on the card represent spiritual elements to me so l feel that the dark colouring shows a loss of spiritual comfort, a negative pushing away of their faith. Though they cannot see or feel it yet, the love of the Universe is all around them.

Are they just walking about like headless chickens lost in the emotions of the moment.

Have they lost their head and logic to a love affair or some earthly everyday matter which they hang on to but know is going nowhere.

If they could calm down and journey through this pain they would see the Sun is still in the sky and eventually all will be well and they can smile again.

Very condensed meanings l have given here and there are more but that's my feel for the 3 Swords in my tarot :)