Possible Box contest.


Wow.... The box looks lovely.. You surely are very talented.. :)


Next Tarot Box Contest Judge

Have scored a coo! I got a VERY FAMOUS designer of Tarot Cards (2 decks published) to judge the next box contest! Contest probably won't happen until mid July but I am VERY PLEASED. Must keep him/her anomyous though! Maybe at the end when the winner is announced I'll tell who the judge was - got to think on that


Worked very hard on the box last night but was not pleased (never am till the end) with the results I got. As a whole things are going well - however there seems to be some problems with the wood itself (and I DON'T like that). Back to the grind today.

The post over in the Tarot Box Contest thread are so FINE. They keep me going


New Picture of Star box put up today. SADLY I am not a photographer - the picture is awful!