Key to the Moment


Felt I needed answers to a few things over the weekend and some insight into what is going on in my head. I was experiencing a lot of confusion and wanted a key to unlock it. So I designed an "on the spot" Key Spread, like this:

4 1
6 3 significator
5 2

Doesn´t look much like a key I know, but it worked for me. 3 & 6 I laid horizontally.

1. What am I experiencing?
2. What lies behind it?
3. What is influencing it?
4. How do I want to move forward?
5. What will I have to leave behind?
6. What am I entering?



Tried this out yesterday and it gave me fantastic results!!!


That's exactly what I needed! Thank you so much!


Glad it was useful to someone else.

Glass Owl

I used this spread for an online friend (with my Tarot of the 78 doors deck) and the results were very intriguing. (This is the first reading that I have done for someone online.) Well, I interpreted it one way but now I am sort of wondering if the cards were pointing to something else since she has provided me with a bit more information after the fact.

I'm doing another reading for her based on the additional information (and in light of what I got for the first spread). I may post them in the readings section to get some feedback.

Thanks for an insightful spread!


I used this spread twice, yesterday ~ the first reading didn't make much sense, so I scrapped it and tried again. Now I think I can see what it was pointing out to me (something literally happened overnight).