King of wands + Ace of cups + The moon as a lover


I did a 3 cards spread with Rider-Waite.
Thinking about love, I asked how will the man I'll meet be, and I got:

King of wands + Ace of cups + The moon.

King of wands would be a strong man, a leader, wise, energetic, passionate, maybe stubborn.
A businessman.

I have read that Ace of cups can mean a soulmate, an emotionally deep relationship.

What confuses me is the moon. I don't know if it is related to the man (king of wands) meaning he will be moody and/or emotional, or intuitive.
Or if the moon means that the relationship will be highly emotional.

Or, maybe the general interpretation could be that I will meet a charming man (king of wands), with whom everything will seem perfect (Ace of cups), but, it will be only a delusion/deception(moon) or a relationship that will be good, but it will end after waking up from the moon delusion.

Someone in this thread: mentioned that Ace of cups can mean "not open to love; selfishness; looking for love in all the wrong places."

Unrequited love, maybe; derived from the deception/delusion (moon) provoked by a flirty guy (king of wands)?

Oh. I read too that Ace of cups represents the woman, so, because that card is next to the moon, would that mean that the woman would be the one more in love/invested in the relationship?

I'm really confused. :(
Should I have asked in a more precise way such as "How will the man('s personality) who'll love me be" or "How will the man with whom I'll have a serious/formal relationship with be" ? What is the right way of formulating this type of question?

Thank you.

Girl Archer

I did a 3 cards spread with Rider-Waite.
Thinking about love, I asked how will the man I'll meet be, and I got:

King of wands + Ace of cups + The moon.

Should I have asked in a more precise way such as "How will be the man who'll love me be" or "How will the man with whom I'll have a serious/formal relationship with be" ? What is the right way of formulating this type of question?

Thank you.

Hi Butterfly! I think you are right in your assessment of the personality of this partner, I have seen the Ace of Cups as a crush card, so like you rightly surmised it could be you the woman being more deeply emotionally invested in the relationship, as for Moon things may not be what they seem like. This can be a highly emotional relationship, cathartic for you in some ways as it may help you unlock the issues of the past and resolve them. I also get the feeling that he will have a lot to offer, not his all but whatever he is offering... would that be enough for you?

As for a clearer idea of your question, you could try the Coming Love Interest spread or Amanda's Next Romantic Relationship spread. Or, you could pull out single cards non positionally for each question and sort of formulate a spread of your own.


If you asked only about him and what he would be like then:

I would see the King of Wands as an energetic personality, completely invested in whatever he's decided to invest his interest in (and upon).
Ace of cups, he would burn through his overflowing emotions very quickly and would look to the Moon to fill the cup back up to overflowing.
Now, this Moon card...I DO NOT see it as illusion like many do (unless it is reversed and not really even then, something else, then). The Moon is full and shows whatever it can with its light, in the landscape that it illuminates. In the moonlight you see things differently than you would in the sunlight and it might be scary or strange because of the different light but it is an adventure of the senses and you can perceive it differently. Maybe you'll see aspects that you never perceived in the glaring light of the sun. So these cards:

A guy that goes and goes (KoW); highly emotional and going through those emotions like anything (KoW/AoC); and then he seeks the coolness and strangeness of the "unknown" to constantly replenish his thirst for emotional adventure (Moon). That is not to say that he is a "wandering lover" - needing different women - just that he needs to constantly evolve his perspective on life and love and himself by wandering (and wondering) under the light of "The Moon". I might be on the lookout for a Musician or a Phd. Literary/Philosophy professor with these cards.

I didn't read the thread that you posted because it was long (sorry) but I would only interpret the Ace of Cups as selfish and withholding etc. if it was reversed.


Thank you, Girl Archer and Silverbells.

Girl Archer said:
This can be a highly emotional relationship, cathartic for you in some ways as it may help you unlock the issues of the past and resolve them.

Silverbells said:
In the moonlight you see things differently than you would in the sunlight and it might be scary or strange because of the different light but it is an adventure of the senses and you can perceive it differently. Maybe you'll see aspects that you never perceived in the glaring light of the sun.

So, the moon could be the journey to the Unconscious, certain issues of the past, or the experience of something new.
I have never been in a relationship, so everything would be new to me.
But, what does the moon say about the King of wands? Would he be the one (the moon) to unlock the traumas or that would be caused by the relationship itself?
I'm also wondering if the moon means healing, or just to face some issues, but at the same time getting in more confusion.

I found more interpretations about the moon and all of them seem to associate it with: lies, hidden things, elusiveness, an unstable relationship.
And someone mentioned King of wands + moon = lies--> a married or unfaithful man.

Some interesting threads I found:

Moon as feelings of someone:

Moon in outcome position/relationships

The moon as a lover:


But, what does the moon say about the King of wands? Would he be the one (the moon) to unlock the traumas or that would be caused by the relationship itself?

I should think that he would definitely have a propensity for it, if you take him as someone who goes into The Moon to "fill his cup." He may or may not be able to live up to his personal potential if left to himself, though. As the King who goes after what he wants, I think that he has probably spent enough time under the light of the Moon getting in to all sorts of things, so that he is probably able to identify an issue that needs addressing. But does he have the finesse of say, the King of Cups, to deal with it gently and effectively? I don't know.

Should I have asked in a more precise way such as "How will the man('s personality) who'll love me be" or "How will the man with whom I'll have a serious/formal relationship with be" ? What is the right way of formulating this type of question?
Thank you.

It might be a good idea to ask how he will be in a relationship because how someone deals with things on their own might be different than the way they deal with things in a relationship...I mean, in a relationship there is someone else to think about and relate to. Some people who are comfortable walking under the light of The Moon (and everything that implies) when they have only themselves to consider might not be as comfortable including and bringing someone with them on their Moon-y jaunts. I would ask how he will be in the relationship.



And someone mentioned King of wands + moon = lies--> a married or unfaithful man.

I wouldn't go off the deep end and assume that King of Wands + Moon = lies. You have to take the cards in the context of the reading and circumstance (of the situation). I wouldn't come up with that interpretation out of nowhere but I could see that interpretation, if it was in answer to questions such as, "is he a cheater?" or "what is he hiding?," plus surrounding cards that might point to that (when taken in conjunction).

Don't freak out and start expecting the worst (which I do realize is easier said than done in a personal reading). Just take life and the cards, as it comes and learn tarot that way. That's my suggestion.


OR (this is the last one, I almost promise)

King of Wands + Ace of cups + Moon could be a guy who does this! Be open to the possibilities, my dear :) :


Girl Archer - Me too! I was like "Whaat!"
I could see him being the personality or occupation of this spread.