Village Witch

I find it interesting when one of my exes comes to mind sometimes, seconds later, a fox will run out in front of my car!

My ex was sneaky, very closed and suspicious of most people. He also lived a lie to his family. I also find it very difficult to see the fox in a positive light, although i think they are beautiful creatures.. when i see one come out in a reading, i am wary :)

I see the fox as cunning and resourceful. Never one to cause intentional harm. With that said... In my opinion, personal experience often determines how we perceive certain images. I am terrified of snakes. It is impossible for me to see the snake card as a beautiful, sophisticated, or powerful woman. One of my decks shows a snake shedding it's skin. While I understand the implications, I can't allow myself to read the snake in that light. No worries. The cards will find another way to gets their message across.


I see the fox as cunning and resourceful. Never one to cause intentional harm. With that said... In my opinion, personal experience often determines how we perceive certain images. I am terrified of snakes. It is impossible for me to see the snake card as a beautiful, sophisticated, or powerful woman. One of my decks shows a snake shedding it's skin. While I understand the implications, I can't allow myself to read the snake in that light. No worries. The cards will find another way to gets their message across.

Yes i agree on the unintentional harm. My ex was quite unaware of the damage he was doing with his deceit to his family. He meant well, but wasn't brave enough to be honest. I had an uncle who was a country man and his fave animals were foxes. He had a stuffed one sitting next to the fireplace in his house. Interestingly, he was also a liar. Beautiful looking creatures, but not to be trusted. I never feel easy when this card shows up in a reading.



I also love foxes, they're quite adorable.

I use the french tradition and as such the fox is the daily 9-5 work employe card. Unlike the bear that is really big and uses brute strength, the fox is much smaller and must use their intelligence to survive. Both parents raise their offspring so they both hunt to feed them, and as such fit the work card of people who have to work to feed their family. Unlike the snake who is mean and vicious and attacks you just because they're in the mood, foxes will outsmart you or deceive because they need to do it to get further to feed their family. It is also a card of observation and caution (of the boss - the Bear - mostly since you have to be careful around them if you want to keep your job), about others but also yourself (self-deception).


Lenormand cards were meant to be read as emblems, not as symbols. Emblem books had a huge influence on European art and literature and are reflected in the cards.

Of course you can read any cards in any way you want, and make up your own system, however each person's personal oracle meanings will be very different, especially when based on personal history, likes and dislikes.

Reading "the Petit Lenormand" assumes an understanding of both the vocabulary and syntax of a particular language.

Fox: 1846: if this card is close, it is necessary to beware of those one is in contact with, because someone seeks to fool us, in the opposite case [Far] there is no danger.
Streerath (1860): Deceitful acquaintances.

Fox misleads.


I guess we have to move past the actual and just stick to seeing them as a symbols.

I agree with LittleOne, I too, regardless of my "life experiences" read Lenormand as per the assigned meanings and the Fox has a traditional meaning as deceitful/sly and cunning, regardless of anyone's personal feelings, that's the meaning, if you don't do that how can you give a proper Lenormand reading?... if being used in relation to work, as some use Fox for, then I might see it in a different light, but I don't use Fox for work..

Obviously anyone can assign whatever meanings they like but, I don't really understand those that do that.