4 of Pentacles - feelings/thoughts


I recently started dating a new guy. There is intense chemistry between us, and we seem to complement each other.

So, I asked what his thoughts and his feelings were about me - pulling 2 or 3 cards. Apart from a lot of (reversed) wands, the 4 of Pentacles appeared twice.

4 of Pentacles is the jealousy/possessive card in my opinion so I'm not sure how this card would fit into a new relationship. Is he becoming possessive? Does he want to keep me to himself? Or does he want to close himself off from me?


I think he doesn't want to express his feelings for you at the moment.Maybe it's in his nature.
Hope this makes sense xx


Hi, unfortunately everytime I get 4 Pents in feelings position, it's not so positive..
For me it always means "nothing's coming in and nothing's going out", that is to say no feelings at all or finding it hard to give oneself emotionally.
I got it many times when asking about a guy I dated that didn't want me to grow fond of/fall in love with him and indeed he didn't love me/never showed his feelings towards me (he wanted only to f*** me).


Very often for me it's about someone who doesn't want to express their feeling and who prefers to stay in their comfort zone. It's about fear, they are afraid of sharing their heart and their world so they close themself and don't allow anyone to enter. Not a good card in romance I think :(. But of course there is different levels and if the other cards are not bad he may just be a little shy or defensive in nature. And it's the beginning of the relationship so maybe he will open up a little more later.


classy - That could be right. He is hinting at things a lot without directly telling me what he wants. From the signs he has shown me, I am quite sure that he likes me. He just doesn't express it (well).

elena_jaymz - That's an interesting angle. Finding it hard to give oneself. I wonder if this could also be extended to finding it hard to express oneself? After all, Pentacles are slow and not to emotional.

Esk - I think shyness is definitely a factor here. He is also from a different country than I am so that may be an additional reason to be shy. He told me that he is interested but that he leaves it up to me if I want to continue seeing him. Other cards that have come up are the Chariot, a lot of wands and the Star. Without going into detail on the meanings of those cards, I feel that it looks quite positive.


elena_jaymz - That's an interesting angle. Finding it hard to give oneself. I wonder if this could also be extended to finding it hard to express oneself? After all, Pentacles are slow and not to emotional.

It maybe so, after all the guy in this card is holding on four pentacles that are all parts of him, so your idea makes sense to me.

I think we can find emotions/feelings in the pentacles suit too, as you see in the card a pentacle is also on the guy chest, it seems on the heart, maybe it's that pentacle the guy you're dating don't wanna share with you for now at a practical/concrete level (in the sense he isn't expressing his feelings).


4/Pents is often about fear, either of losing things or of losing social position (face). So, he may, on the one hand, be afraid that he could lose your respect, that maybe he'll give something to you and you'll waste it rather than value it.

He could also simply be afraid of losing you. It doesn't have to go to the point of jealousy or possessiveness. He merely wants to hang onto you and fears that he might not be able to do so.


Thirteen - Thank you for your comment. If I understood this correctly, it sounds rather positive then? Honestly, this person is quite refreshing. He texts me consistently. He seems happy to talk to me. He wants to set up another date. He even comes on quite strong.

Other interpretations I have read about 4 of Pents indicating no feelings and not being invested just doesn't sound plausible in this situation, unless he is playing/fooling me.


Thirteen - Thank you for your comment. If I understood this correctly, it sounds rather positive then?
Positive depends on the situation. All cards can be positive, all can be negative. From what you say, he seems to see you as valuable and wants to hold onto you. It could be as simple as that.


Hi, unfortunately everytime I get 4 Pents in feelings position, it's not so positive..
For me it always means "nothing's coming in and nothing's going out", that is to say no feelings at all or finding it hard to give oneself emotionally.
I got it many times when asking about a guy I dated that didn't want me to grow fond of/fall in love with him and indeed he didn't love me/never showed his feelings towards me (he wanted only to f*** me).

Normally I get this card for financial questions ... but for romance I would agree with Elena's post.

4 Pent to me says "tight" or "miserly" or "lack of generosity". On a purely physical level it can be a lack of energy. For example when I cut down on my teaching dance b/c I just don't have the physical energy for my students.

Finance it is a tightwad.
But there are emotional tightwads, too.
People who are NOT generous with their emotions ...

... OR ... as you say your experience has been positive so far ... someone who is so busy or drained that they do not have the emotional energy to give.
I take your spread like this. He doesn't have the resources to be emotionally generous at this time. Doesnt mean he is a bad person ... only be careful YOU don't get drained trying to get blood from a turnip as they say ...