Knight of swords


I was wondering... if knight of swords describes a person a lot... and they were interested in careers.....

What type of careers would align with a knight of swords personality?


Well, the Knights of swords on a quest to uphold truth and justice. It's all they're focused on, though sometimes their good intentions may get the better of them, and they act before thinking (if ill dignified). Knight/Swords obviously also has more than one positive attribute--because their element is the sword and the sword is ruled by air, you're cutting out the bs and thinking clearly. Based on these somewhat general descriptors of Knight/Swords, I'd say going careers that require you to think quickly and clearly, to be quick on your feet (they're the fastest of all the Knights), and fighting for justice and the truth, or just using a lot of mental power. Author, mathematician, chemist, engineer, lawyer, police, researcher, analyst, banker, stock broker, columnist, journalist, reporter, professor, etc. You have a lot of options to choose from. Whatever it is, it must require you to think analytically and logically, and in such a way where you're trying to discover or spread the truth, and uphold the law (as long it preserves justice).


Well, the Knights of swords on a quest to uphold truth and justice. It's all they're focused on, though sometimes their good intentions may get the better of them, and they act before thinking (if ill dignified). Knight/Swords obviously also has more than one positive attribute--because their element is the sword and the sword is ruled by air, you're cutting out the bs and thinking clearly. Based on these somewhat general descriptors of Knight/Swords, I'd say going careers that require you to think quickly and clearly, to be quick on your feet (they're the fastest of all the Knights), and fighting for justice and the truth, or just using a lot of mental power. Author, mathematician, chemist, engineer, lawyer, police, researcher, analyst, banker, stock broker, columnist, journalist, reporter, professor, etc. You have a lot of options to choose from. Whatever it is, it must require you to think analytically and logically, and in such a way where you're trying to discover or spread the truth, and uphold the law (as long it preserves justice).

Thank you. I always come up as knight of swords. I really match the personality of Knight of swords as well. Also in sidereal astrology my sun sign is air sign that is represented by the knight of swords. So it really measure me up perfectly. I am trying to figure out what career would be best for me..but I can never find like a list of what kind of career knight of swords might be. So I thought hm.. maybe I'll ask and get an idea of what kind of career I could look into.


Cool, I am too, but not as a sun sign--my RISING sign is a Gemini. Anyway, the court cards fit into the Myers-Briggs list of personalities. So if you've found that the list above isn't enough, then feel free to look up the ISTP (or Knight/Swords) list of careers. Let me know if you need info on where to look. :)


Cool, I am too, but not as a sun sign--my RISING sign is a Gemini. Anyway, the court cards fit into the Myers-Briggs list of personalities. So if you've found that the list above isn't enough, then feel free to look up the ISTP (or Knight/Swords) list of careers. Let me know if you need info on where to look. :)

I am just about to take my personality test.

My rising sign in sidereal I believe in Gemini too..I notice sidereal is the astrology that relates to me the most.

Western astrology (tropical I believe it is called) I am pisces... but I don't match a pisces description at all not one bit.

have any good links to one.


Try I hate advertising for any business, so I'll keep this short. You just create a guest or permanent profile with your birth info and it loads up data for a variety of readings. My only visits are for the birth chart (with the rising sign) and an astrocartographic map (this map is amazingly accurate if you know exactly when you were born--it's changing my life!). The basics are all free, so I don't see why you wouldn't resonate with the rising sign it points out for you (if you know your time of birth).

What's sidereal astrology?


Try I hate advertising for any business, so I'll keep this short. You just create a guest or permanent profile with your birth info and it loads up data for a variety of readings. My only visits are for the birth chart (with the rising sign) and an astrocartographic map (this map is amazingly accurate if you know exactly when you were born--it's changing my life!). The basics are all free, so I don't see why you wouldn't resonate with the rising sign it points out for you (if you know your time of birth).

What's sidereal astrology?

It's astrology that follows the stars and planets
It's found more in the eastern region (east from america) so like greece, india, china...etc.

Tropical is more common in western area of the word (US, France, UK, etc.)
I think Tropical follows more of the seasons than Sidereal

(Hope I remember how to explain it lol).




My first thought was race car driver :). Also, if it's a perfectly literal meaning, maybe a fencing enthusiast, or someone who participates in those medieval-style sword fight competitions or battle reenactments? Search and rescue person, or paramedic, firefighter or policeman, possibly someone in the military, though I tend to think of the Knight as too hotheaded to follow orders without question. A navy SEAL perhaps though, or Special Forces soldier? A high-level criminal like a type who would mastermind a multimillion dollar heist of some sort?

I just saw you were looking for career options. I answered without reading down first so I wouldn't be influenced by other answers before posting.