Spirit guides in tarot?



I've recently been getting a lot of questions from clients about who their guides are.

I'm somewhat psychic, my intuition only goes so far - but some of the cards I've used have come up with good results and the clients have said I've told them more information other people have touched on about their guides, but I was wondering if there was an actual card or method to connect with them?

Even a tarot deck people have used for these types of questions, or perhaps even a spread you know of to get to know them?

Cause if so, I'd love to give them a try myself!

Many thanks


Hi LorienWitch,

You might also want to check out the thread about ancestor work, as many times our spirit guides are our ancestors. I have no idea how to post a link (sorry!), but you can go to the Talking Tarot forum and search for "Tarot for Ancestor Work". The thread has some examples of spreads you could use. I used the Ghost Tarot for ancestor work and found it to be very effective. :)


Thank you both for your help! I'll be taking a look at those :)