

I did a cc spread for a friend who asked would her ex want to reconcile in the future

For the near future position I got the hermit which I told her she was going to be alone for a while and probably do some real soul seaching

In the outcome position I received the temperance. Which was near the 3 of pentacles in the hopes and fears position. I told her this break will definitely bring about some healing but there would need to be patience. I also told her there was a possibility because the three of pentacles was present... but I want to be sure im telling her the right thing... I dont like giving people false hope... so what are your opinions ?

I used the rider deck and no reversals


I did a cc spread for a friend who asked would her ex want to reconcile in the future
Outside of that being a Yes/No question for which a Celtic Cross seems to be overkill, the question seems to be from the ex's perspective, but you seem to be interpreting cards from her perspective. Also, wanting to reconcile can be quite a different thing from actually reconciling. He might want to reconcile with her but not be able to for any number of reasons on his side or her side. So if your friend wanted to know about the possibility of reconciling with her ex in the future, that's a completely different question from whether her ex will want to reconcile. Finally, future is too vague of a time frame. The future could be 10 years from now. If she was curious about a particular time frame, then that should be included in the question - "... reconcile within the next 5 years" for example.

Hermit in the Near Future suggests that the ex will be alone (as opposed to being lonely) and likely won't be interested in reconciling.

Temperance as the Outcome shows him searching for a middle ground with her. In this case that might be friendship as it doesn't indicate relationship.

3P in Hopes and Fears suggests the hope that he can get some instruction/help while the fear is that he's wary of the interference of other people.

Nothing in the cards you've listed shows a desire on his part for a reconciliation.



Outside of that being a Yes/No question for which a Celtic Cross seems to be overkill, the question seems to be from the ex's perspective, but you seem to be interpreting cards from her perspective. Also, wanting to reconcile can be quite a different thing from actually reconciling. He might want to reconcile with her but not be able to for any number of reasons on his side or her side. So if your friend wanted to know about the possibility of reconciling with her ex in the future, that's a completely different question from whether her ex will want to reconcile. Finally, future is too vague of a time frame. The future could be 10 years from now. If she was curious about a particular time frame, then that should be included in the question - "... reconcile within the next 5 years" for example.

Hermit in the Near Future suggests that the ex will be alone (as opposed to being lonely) and likely won't be interested in reconciling.

Temperance as the Outcome shows him searching for a middle ground with her. In this case that might be friendship as it doesn't indicate relationship.

3P in Hopes and Fears suggests the hope that he can get some instruction/help while the fear is that he's wary of the interference of other people.

Nothing in the cards you've listed shows a desire on his part for a reconciliation.


This was very insightful as I'm still learning. I did explain to her that a reconciliation may mean them simply being friends or associates and not a couple. I guess she's feeling guilty on her part but I will let her no he has no desire to engage with her thank you.


I agree with Rodney. I don't see reconcilliation in those cards.


I'm going to go a step farther about 'reconciliation' which this (and 99.44%) of questions REALLY are asking 'Are we going to get back together?'; to me this is different from what 'reconciliation' means to me - which is that both sides 'come to an understanding'. You can come to the 'reconciliation' that you both realize your relationship is so badly damaged that you need to get a divorce - hardly the same thing (or the same cards) as "You will come to realize that your separation was foolish and you will love each other throughout eternity."

You can reconcile your differences amicably and split up.

You can reconcile your differences with acrimony and stay together.

Not the same thing! :(


I'm going to go a step farther about 'reconciliation' which this (and 99.44%) of questions REALLY are asking 'Are we going to get back together?'; to me this is different from what 'reconciliation' means to me - which is that both sides 'come to an understanding'. You can come to the 'reconciliation' that you both realize your relationship is so badly damaged that you need to get a divorce - hardly the same thing (or the same cards) as "You will come to realize that your separation was foolish and you will love each other throughout eternity."

You can reconcile your differences amicably and split up.

You can reconcile your differences with acrimony and stay together.

Not the same thing! :(

Good point about the word reconciliation. I thought the questioner means "will we get back together as a romantic couple." I often think of tarot as highly intuitive and therefore it's up to the person to create the sentences and words. Meaning it picks up on the feeling of the question and not necessarily the exact words.

It is her hope (3 of pentacles) to talk things out, which will lead to closure and healing (temperance). In the near future, you will be single for a while (hermit).

Temperance can be a card about common ground, the middle path, and combining things. So it could indicate that things will balance out between them. It won't be romantic, but they won't be enemies. Just friends. The 3 of Pentacles can be the friend card. It's not very romantic.

Perhaps another way of looking at the 3 of pentacles is that she hopes that he will ask her back out.