Tarot Spreads: The Celtic Cross #3--the 4 "Staff" cards


The Celtic Cross should really be called the Cross and the Staff. The Cross is a microcosmic examination of the person and their immeidate situation, while the Staff is a practical overview, a glimpse of the situations from the outside (friends, family, hopes, fears).

What the 4 staff cards mean varies. But the usual practice is to lay them out up from the bottom. They are cards: 7, 8, 9 & 10 of the spread. Sometimes 10 is at the top, sometimes at the bottom.

So starting there, which way do you lay them out and read them? Top to bottom or bottom to top? Any reason why, other than that's the way you learned?

Next, meaning. Only #10 is agreed on--it's always the "outcome" of the spread, the answer to the question. But 7, 8, 9...they can mean "hopes and fears," (sometimes "fear" for one and "hope" for another) "friends," "Oppostion," "Family opinion," etc.

They're fairly clear--but what do you think they should be and why? And do you connect them with the cross in a reading, or view them almost as a seperate spread--related to the cross, but not a part of it? As a "follow up" to the cross as it were?


To me they both an internal and external veiw of the situation. I lay the cards from bottom to top because that is what I learned, and it is comfortable to me. I see #7 as the self and it relates very much to the inner or small cross (#1 and #2) as well as to my goal or hoped for outcome (#5) and possibly to my near future (#6). #8 to me is my surrounding environment which can ultimately contribute to my foundation (#3), recent past (#4) and possibly my near future (#6). #8 is my hopes and fears, again this depends on the card and the rest of the reading to determine which it is representing and it relates the previous 8 cards. My actions in relation to card #9 can mean the difference between card #5 (my goal) and card 10 (outcome). Card #10 is the outcome depending on how I deal with card #9 and that I remain doing the same as I always have. I think it is important to also look at which card in the entire spread stands out the most for the querent because it will also hold a special meaning or emphasis in the reading. Although each position comes with an individual meaning attached to it, it is the composite of all 10 together that will give one the full picture. When the reading appears confusing you can break it down with Mary Greer's permutations (which ever works best for you) and prehaps glean a better understanding of what the reading means. That is what works best for me. I do not believe that just because I view it this way that is the "right" way, simply that it is right for me.

Love & Light,