What are deck no no's for you?


As I have gathered so many decks in so short time I have been able to actually refine my taste a little (totally indiscriminate before lol) and now there are decks which I know I will have no interes in...

Mine include:

Cartoon decks - Gummy bear type decks - oh noooooooo

Real people decks - no no no no! Loved the idea of Mystic Dreamer - eek then I got it!

Round decks - I find these sooooo hard to shuffle!

non illustrated pips - I like pictures

Sugar Sweet decks - Doreen Virtue I mean you (having said this in all fairness I have done some very helpful readings with them and they are pretty but no)

Animals dressed as people decks - soooooo nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Sure there's more but that's my immediate list - how about you?


Gory decks - no vampires, please.

Erotica - just doesn't work for me.

CGI - Blech.

Collage - see above.

Real people - Just don't like them.


Sugar Sweet decks - Doreen Virtue I mean you (having said this in all fairness I have done some very helpful readings with them and they are pretty but no)

Animals dressed as people decks - soooooo nooooooooooooooooooooooooo


And, I can't say I'll never like unillustrated pip decks, but for now I don't think I'm ready.


My no-nos are almost the same as yours except that I don't mind plain pips. In addition though I won't touch decks with an obvious socio-political agenda, by which I mean mostly self-described feminist or ecologically themed ones.

Also, as much as I adore the look of a deck like Tarot of the Stars, I need the qabalistic correspondences to be the Thoth system I'm accustomed to. I don't mind mentally swapping tzaddi and heh, but qoph for The Sun, aleph for The Magus? Huh?


What I don't like in tarot decks:

- Naked people. I do not, and will not own the Cosmic Tribe, for instance.

- Overt sex. I don't like erotic tarots.

- Angels.


I find sarcasm wounding when I'm attempting to self-soothe with a deck. I avoid decks with sarcastic pictures and meanings.

I don't like decks that come with books that that say that everything bad that happens to you is your fault. Some people feel empowered by believing they caused a tragedy, because then that must mean that they are powerful enough to fix it and prevent it from happening again. I don't believe this to be true though, and feel wounded by being told I'm ALWAYS at the CENTER of my failures, been bad, shouldn't feel emotions, and need to change behaviors that don't need to be changed.

I don't like decks that are meant to be used only for fortune telling and don't include any assistance to use it in ritual, self-help, personal discovery and self-soothing.

I don't like decks that advertise more than they deliver. I don't like systems/organization that fall apart, when studied; especially decks that claim to be linked up to astrology and the wheel of the year, that are so ridiculously and flimsily linked to certain days and events.


what you all said, plus animal decks. Much as I love animals, animal decks just leave me blank. I've spent a lot of money on animal decks trying to prove myself wrong...I don't mind pip decks though, I kept two of those back from mass purges.

Daemon Lover

Erotica decks are a number one turn off for me. Nudity isn`t a problem, but overt sexual representation for the sole purpose of titillation just offends my sensibilities.

Gory decks with alot of blood scare the heck out of me...especially hard-core vampire/dark decks.


For me, it's buying a deck where someone had a good idea, but obviously didn't think it all the way through, or just got bored after x-number of cards and forced themselves to complete the deck ~ AND IT SHOWS ! LOL!!!

The first deck that comes to mind is the 'Alice in Wonderland' Deck - should have been a shoe-in with all those great illustrations ... too bad the deck sucks, and the idea of 'Oysters' for Pentacles is just a bad, bad idea.

Any deck where the Court Cards are all the same King or Queen figure and the artist just changes the Suit symbol in their hand - BORING!!!!! Be a little more creative.

Or Pip cards where the 5 is a person sitting on a rock holding 5 of the suit symbol, The Six they are holding 6, etc, etc with nothing creative to look at (Londa Tarot or Tarot of a Moon Garden).

Nudity does not bother me, erotic images do not bother me, but downright pornographic decks are just going in the wrong direction, IMHO.



well I dont have enough decks yet to have a very dfined taste , but for example the animals divine and because of that other pagan decks , are too much for me. I have to learn about gods I had never heard of! but some of the animals ilustrations were GREAT! the crow on the 9 of sword was extremly fitting and the ace of wand OH and the vulture on the 3 of wands ...
but pagans are a no no , unless its just one panteon I know or want to know .

but animals tarots are ok.

too comic book kind of decks

well Im just about to start the thoth but hopefully non lustrated pips shouldnt be a problem.

I dont have a problem with nudity , nudity is beautifull, I dont midn as long as its not IN YOUR FACE SEX! , if they're just naked , thats fine , if they're having sex in a card or two and its not explicit , thats fine too.

decks that exclude one gender completly ,it makes me feel like Im not getting every side of the story , or like it could be biased... I dont know the exact word for it , sorry lol.

decks that are completly positive. for the same reason that the last one.